Friday, December 28, 2012

Lisa Kirbie

If I ever got the genie in the bottle to grant me three wishes, one would be to have all the spoiled western women who are ignorant of history and think communism was "cool" disappear and be replaced with women who actually did suffer under communism.  I find their former soviet counterparts to be better educated, less spoiled, more grounded, more reliable, and more responsible.

I'm going to say it again for the cheap seats - feminism = communism.

Something tells me Clarissa will be very upset with this.


  1. Communists still exist strangely enough. Old ideas that have been proven to not work in reality somehow are being resurrected. It's mind boggling. There are even anarcho-communists on YouTube now.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I am proud to say I have never heard of (dumb bitch) Lisa OR her boyfriend.

  3. How does anarcho-communism even work? Communism depends on a huge bloody state to do all the redistribution; anarchy by definition = no state.

  4. Related: Berlusconi just got nailed with a 4 million monthly alimony bill.

  5. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Well, communism is not popular in Russia these days.

    Another point about Russian women vs American or Canadian girls - they are usually sexier.

    I should stifle my desire to be fair, but can't quite make it. The problem really wasn't the Soviet constitution. Robert Conquest, the great exposer of Stalin and his crimes, noted that quoting from the constitution (either version), or even possessing a copy, was very unhealthy under Stalin. Indeed, the Old Bolshevick Nicolai Bukharin, who was one of the principal architects of the 1936 version, went to the execution cellars in 1938.

  6. Andrew7:33 PM

    That's a tough choice. Women coarsened with experience or encouraged to the slaughter... at least we have the Internet filled with the latter's poor economic choices.

  7. I have to wonder if people who think they are infatuated with communism know anything more than the utopian BS they're told in college. I've read plenty of books on communist Russia (and China, and N. Korea, and Vietnam, etc) and all I see is a brutal system run by incmpetent thugs that can only work when propped up by outside aid (i.e. U.S. Grain shipments and favorable articles in the N. Y. Times...). A Times "journalist" Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for his "coverage" of Stalin's regime in the 1930's whle people in the Ukraine were being starved out. At least the Pulitzer was finally taken away when too much evidence came to light to support it. But that didn't happen until the early 2000's, long after he was dead.

  8. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Ultimately, the administrator of the board, Sig Gissler, refused to rescind the award because "there was not clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception, the relevant standard in this case."[15].

    From wikipedia, there is a long article about Duranty. The prize was not revoked. Apparently the New York Times still proudly displays it in the lobby of their building. - minuteman
