Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Strain of the "Shaming Language" Virus

Shaming language, if you don't already know, is a response you get from somebody when you tell them something factual, that they don't like, but since it is factual, they can't refute it, and so they call you names.

That's about as simple as it is.

It's childish.
It's immature.
And simple minds use it.

Normally "shaming language" is used in the context when men speak candidly and bluntly about courting, women, dating, sex, etc.  Because it is candid it offends the fragile sensibilities of most women.  But since it is true said offended women have no legitimate retort.  So the shaming language begins, typically mocking the size of a man's manlihood or questioning their sexual orientation.

For example, I made a video about how women do earn the majority of degrees, but that is only because the vast majority of those degrees are laughably easy degrees.  I even went so far as to explain to women why this is for their own benefit because going $75,000 into debt for a Masters in English would only serve to harm them later.

Truthful?  Yes.
Honest?  Yes.
Even helpful to women?  Yes.

But the inevitable shaming language of course came in:

Now shaming language is nothing new to real men who have refused to be politically correct and insist on speaking truthfully, candidly and unrepentantly about men, women, and so on.  We don't care who it offends.  We're sick of little spoiled children who think they're deserve 80+ years of un-offended life.  And we're sick of the political and power structure that kowtows to it.  Our lives are too short to be pissing away walking on eggshells.  But I have stumbled on another hornets nest that has caused enough umbrage it's attracting a whole new variant of shaming language all on its own.

I call it "Going Galt Shaming Language."

Not to brag, but I'm waaaaaay head of the curve on this enjoy the decline thing.  I've psychologically adapted myself to accept and benefit from the decline.  I've given up all my previous dreams in life (simply because they're not feasible in this economy) replacing them with feasible ones.  I am more grounded in reality and prepared than most people are.  So when people ask me what I do for a living and I say, "as little as I possibly can" it triggers a conversation about minimalism and enjoying the decline.

Now most conservatives and men are intrigued and reluctantly have to admit I might be right.  They are intellectually curious and the furthest thing away from being offended.  But there are two groups that actually take umbrage and get pissed off when I say, "I'm not working any more.  I'm doing as little as I can.  I'm not going to let society live off of me anymore."

Religious conservative types

Liberal women in particular take most offense.  They can't believe somebody would check out and go Galt.  Liberal men just dismiss me and think I'm immature.  And the religious types go on about "who is going to keep the population going" or "we need more children to fight this war."  But the language, oh, the shaming language.

"You're greedy!"
"You're selfish!"
"Why, you just don't care about other people!"
"Oh, you have it so good in this country!  You're a white male!  Stop you're bitching!"
"What if everybody did what you did!?  You owe it to society!"

In short the new shaming language is to accuse anybody who has half a sense to live life and avoid work as a pouting child who's decided to pick up my toys and go home.  That (once again) you're not a "real man/woman" if you don't "man up" and work hard and pay taxes.  You're just a whiner, a complainer, a cry baby.  Oooo!  Boo hoo hooo!  Da wittle boy doesn't wanna grow up and be a real man.

In reality it is very much like the shaming language when you voice an opinion about the sexes.  It's about control.  If you say you refuse to date fat girls, then the shaming language begins as a means to make you  feel bad for wanting to sleep with skinny chicks.  "Get back in line!  How dare you have such thoughts!"  But instead of losing power of what men should find/should not find attractive, it's losing power over the production and wealth transfer of a slave.  So if the slave decides to leave the plantation (which we all can), the only way they can get us back is by shaming us for not wanting to stay.

I don't believe any advice is needed to explain why you should not feel shame for not trying your best.  The generations of politically correct brainwashing and shaming language tactics are starting to show for what they truly are and people are not swallowing it anymore.  Besides, anybody with 6 months work experience in this glorious economy knows just what a bunch of rubbish "working hard and having a successful career" means - 40% taxes, crappy benefits, a sadistic, power hungry employer, and incompetent/easily offended/compliant-filing co-workers.  Oh, and you get to be loathed in public for being successful or "rich."

So pour yourselves a double.  Break out that lazyboy.  Fire up the old XBox and just make do with less.  In the end all that shaming language is, is a bunch of nagging liberals scared to death you won't slave away to pay for their crap anymore and that their precious little government programs may go away.

Enjoy the decline!


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    First you attack the idea. "Feminism isn't evil."

    If that dosen't you attack the person. "Whoever said feminism is evil is stupid."

    If that dosen't work change what they say into something acceptable. "Feminism isn't evil. Feminism is just trying to make men better."

  2. Anonymous5:16 AM

    -ask me what Ifor a living and I say, "as little as I possibly can"

    Best response ever.

  3. Lib Arts Major Making $31k/yr5:39 AM

    "So pour yourselves a double. Break out that lazyboy. Fire up the old XBox and just make do with less."

    No, sorry. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees - even if that living means I'm in a recliner. It's unacceptable if I'm "living" in said recliner surrounded by my shattered dreams and aspirations.

    If I can't cling to what's left of my aspirations, then my mouth will cling to the barrel of a gun.

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Well, it's not like there are a lot of well paying jobs to be had, and this is especially true if you are a man. Men are discriminated against more than women for being men. Blacks and to a lesser extent Hispanics are less discriminated against than Asians. Asians are less discriminated than non- Hispanic Whites. Christians are the most discriminated of all. Yet our ruling elite will tell you something completely different. The reason why black males fail the most is because of feminism, the matriarchy, and being raised in a single mother home. Black women do better in part because when companies hire they get a woman and a black which pleases our affirmative action rulers the most. The truth is whatever your gender or race, you either have the abilities, the developed skills and the will to succeed or you don't. You need all three. It is much more difficult to get and retain a job especially if it is one where you can pay for it all by for your lonesome self and is even more difficult to do if you want to raise a family off one incomethan it was 20 years ago, more so 40 years ago and more than that 60 years ago. Cappy is right in assessments.

  5. Dear society, so what's your plan B?6:01 AM

    Sharing glad tidings on reality certainly seems go down as well as a cup of cold puke with many women.

    It seems to be the ultimate act of rudeness to point out that reality don't care what they believe they are entitled to.

    I hear that increasing numbers of young women like the look of education, play career girl for a few years (3-5) then retire as a SAHM is their preferred life.

    Pity that the education and brief career shafts the men that they want to finance them afterwards. Should have thought it thro girlz

  6. beta_plus6:19 AM

    Would you be able to provide any examples of specific things liberal women have said to you? I for one would love to read them.

  7. sth_txs6:20 AM

    "Besides, anybody with 6 months work experience in this glorious economy knows just what a bunch of rubbish "working hard and having a successful career" means - 40% taxes, crappy benefits, a sadistic, power hungry employer, and incompetent/easily offended/compliant-filing co-workers. Oh, and you get to be loathed in public for being successful or "rich.""

    That about sums it up. After 2 months at my first real engineering job I was ready for retirement or at least be independently wealthy. I'll never forget the generous PTO (Paid Time Off) that was supposed to include sick leave. That part really made me want to work hard.

    If you could count all the taxes and regulations in the stuff you buy, I would say most Americans pay 50% or 6 months of their lives working for local, state, and federal government.

  8. Anonymous6:33 AM

    You ever notice how people almost never accuse you of ‘greed’ or selfishness for wanting someone else’s money or freedom -- only for wanting your own?

  9. Izanpo6:38 AM

    You gotta feel a bit sorry for those guys doing an 80-90 hour work week just for the privilege of driving around in a new duallie. Messed up priorities.

    You bet the liberals are scared. If kids start going Galt, who's gonna finance the boomers' leisurely golden years?

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I love that comment from 'Aaron ClareyMangina". "You have a needle dick, and your mother is ashamed."

    The mental image of a bunch of middle aged women comparing the sons's penis sizes gives me ideas (which will not be pursued), for a really sick porn site.

    My usual answer to the accusations of "You have a small penis" is; "I didn't hear you say that last night!".

    It embarasses the hell out of them. And is it usually people who dont know me, it's absolutely true.


  11. ScottB7:12 AM

    The macro version of this crap is the "War on [insert whiny group here]"

  12. Ras Al Ghul8:02 AM

    I think this is just a version of "Peter Pan" shaming language.

    Nothing new

  13. Anonymous9:00 AM

    To Lib Arts Major Making $31k/yr

    I have noted that when people put a gun in their mouth, they tend to point it straight in whereby they would blow the back of their neck out, but may not hit the brain.

    It is conceivable that you could wind up a living quadriplegic. So my advice is to make sure the barrel is tiled upward so when you pull the trigger, so you blow the top of your head off.

    Hope that helps.

  14. "AaronClaryMangina?"

    Geez. These idiots won't even take the time to spell your name right before attacking you. I've seen dirtier insults on YouTube than that. At least he didn't resort to the T word or the C word, which obviously I won't disclose here.

    When the trolls do that and go beyond calling you a racist or a sexist for backing up your information with statistics, then you know you've accomplished something huge and spelled out the plain truth. Truth tends to bring out the worst in the deniers.

    This Twitter page is an exaggerated, hilarious example of what happens when you mention anything about manly thoughts or jokes related to those thoughts, criticize Obama's policies on a regular basis or talk about violent crime statistics.

    Warning: Language.




    A lot of the guys attacking him identify themselves as conservatives or Republicans even though the guy who wrote those tweets is an atheist conservative himself for the most part. I'm assuming most of the people who have been attacking him for this are also social, religious conservatives who remind me a lot like the radical left and ilk. You really have to be careful when you make jokes on the internet because lunatics like this will take you out of context and wage straw man arguments against you. Political correctness is everywhere.

  15. Sounds like someone needs to get laid.

  16. shaming language is how a woman signals that they have lost an argument and are furiously scratching against a brick wall of truth and reality.

    no surprise that there has been a massive increase in shaming language across the world lately. women are ratcheting up the desperation, and consequently the volume of shaming. none of that will ever be able to break down the simple fact that women need men a whole lot more than men need women.

  17. Someone said in a comment earlier about black men being let down by being raised by single moms/matriarchy...

    It's not just mom's fault. It's also dad's fault and this transcends all racial groups. Some men (usually weak liberals) do not want to take responsibility for their actions, including taking care of children or being financially responsible. A lot of these guys do not feel a duty to take care of their children or get married to the mother to provide some kind of stability for the child(ren) involved. So many of them leave, some have multiple children with multiple women, etc. Granted, a lot of this occurs because family is not as valued as it once was in our society.

    I'm certainly not one to support feminist ideologies, but you can't blame it all on the women. Men also need to take responsibility in terms of family life. Men can fail their children and society for not being a men, in general.

  18. When the stewards of democracy (the people) start voting that way, then men (black or white) will start behaving that way.

    until then, the sad truth is if people (specificaly single women as amply evidenced by the last election) keep voting in government as the substitute father and husband then men will revert to their basic and banal natures. Fuck anything, to hell with the consequences, let some other taxpayer schmuck pay for it.

    I hope that works in the long run.

  19. I should also say...some women also choose to get with men who are weak and losers in general...the "bad boys", instead of the decent, reputable, hard-working men. So it shouldn't come as much of a surprise when they do get left with children to raise alone.

  20. GetReady-ItsComing4:43 PM

    The real problem liberals and religious conservatives have with Going Gault, is envy. How dare you enjoy ANYTHING, even self induced poverty. The control they seek is the power to make you just as miserable as they are.

  21. OH! Is THAT what they were saying? *Huh*

    How about them Cardinals, eh? Think the fans will do that New Orleans bag-head thing?

  22. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Captain I like your message to the young 'uns coming up. No, their problems with gainful employment is not their fault. Nor are the problems they have with stupid women. I like your message of having them keep their chins up.

    What I dislike is your message to quit and veg out. There are opportunities out there and these kids can miss them if they give up. And yeah - there are some fine women out there that are over weight - and a helluva lot more that are smoking hot sluts with attitude problems.

    There ARE good jobs and good women out there. Don't give up on the hunt!


  23. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Ofay cat
    brain stem

  24. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Just for the record, not all of us religious conservatives have a problem with your approach. Though I have a large family and work my tail off, I get what you are doing and can't blame you. I am very glad someone has the guts to write about it the way you do. Keep up the good work.

    By the way, my 16-year-old is enjoying "Worthless". Thanks for that as well.

  25. hi Anon,

    OH, I know, I know. Not all religious people are yelling at me. Just some.

    Good luck to your kid! Glad he's reading the book!


  26. bob r4:32 PM

    "...and incompetent/easily offended/compliant-filing ..."

    should be: "... and incompetent/easily offended/complaint-filing ..."

    "You owe it to society!" I'll bet not one person who says this can demonstrate such an "obligation" was voluntarily taken on. Which I'm pretty sure means it is not an obligation and is a claim that you are a slave. Such people are lucky to get away without a beating.

  27. Critical Eye10:27 AM

    jso - shaming language is how a woman signals that they have lost an argument and are furiously scratching against a brick wall of truth and reality.

    Thank you for that sudden burst of clarity! I can't wait to use this.

    PS - If someone tries to shame you for going Galt, tell them you're striving for equality with women, and you won't stop until men everywhere have all the right and none of the responsibilities of being adults.

  28. This post inspired me to write a little post of my own. Keep up the good work captain.


  29. Martian Bachelor10:16 AM

    > My usual answer to the accusations of "You have a small penis" is; "I didn't hear you say that last night!" (RICanuck)

    Here's a better retort: "I'm sure you'd be in a position to know all about that sort of thing..."

    "Can I see your data acquisition device, and your data summary? -Mean and median lengths, standard deviation, and all that."

  30. Father Marker3:42 AM

    "You're greedy!"
    "You're selfish!"
    "Why, you just don't care about other people!"
    "Oh, you have it so good in this country! You're a white male! Stop you're bitching!"
    "What if everybody did what you did!? You owe it to society!"

    In short the new shaming language is to accuse anybody who has half a sense to live life and avoid work as a pouting child who's decided to pick up my toys and go home. That (once again) you're not a "real man/woman" if you don't "man up" and work hard and pay taxes. You're just a whiner, a complainer, a cry baby. Oooo! Boo hoo hooo! Da wittle boy doesn't wanna grow up and be a real man.

    Now hold in a minute darling, given that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, why should you care what I choose to do?
