Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Price Fatherless Children Pay

The larger point for all races is the importance of having fathers in children’s lives.  Without a father your children are going to go into the real world without knowing how to deal with ½ of society - men.  Your daughters will have a heavily skewed biased towards their own self-importance, but worse a dangerously naïve understanding of men, men’s sexual nature, and the risks those pose.  Your boys will suffer as well.  With no man to teach them the harsh realities of life such as competition, independence, self-reliance, self-control, and work ethic, boys will grow up woefully unprepared for the real world.  Not just in terms of work ethic and skills, but they will have no clue how to interact and deal with women.  Their lives will be failures, both financial and romantic, but worse they won’t know why.  With no leadership or guidance, you’ve left them to roam aimlessly for at least a decade, forcing them to figure it out on their own through trial and error.  This will exact a heavy toll on their emotions and psychology, and that’s assuming they are even successful in figuring it out for themselves, instead of living cluelessly for the rest of their lives.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    "With no man to teach them the harsh realities of life such as competition, independence, self-reliance, self-control, and work ethic, boys will grow up woefully unprepared for the real world. Not just in terms of work ethic and skills, but they will have no clue how to interact and deal with women."

    I can attest to this quote quite painfully.

    I love my dad.. but boy did he eff up. I should write up a story on that.

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "they will have no clue how to interact and deal with women.

    Oh come on, mom's advice to be nice and be yourself is a guaranteed recipe for sexual success!

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Oh, it's not that bad. There are plenty of Big brothers programs, mentoring programs, and boy scouting to fill in for absentee dads. On top of that there is all that good role modeling going on on TV and Spectator sports.

    So stop trying to put that guilt trip on the women for having children without having husbands.

    It's only a matter of time before a major university conducts a study that shows children of single moms are better, more diverse, and have higher self esteem than kids who had dads in their lives.

  4. @ Newrebeluniv

    Oh, so you mean it's only a matter of time before a single study comes out that finally is biased enough towards feminist heroic single mothers that they'll champion it while continuing to ignore all studies that indicate single motherhood is harmful?

    Studies as thorough as this one:

    Even with my dad in my life if not in my house after divorce (I think it was a total of 10 days with him a month), it still took me the ten years to figure things out. And yes, this is with a church youth group, a boy scouts program, sports, and others.

    Those aren't fathers, they're institutions - and ones that are increasingly dragged down by legalities and pressured by society and the government to buck their traditions and go with modern liberal ideas (more than they have already). Just look at how often you hear people yelling about letting girls into scouting or homosexual leaders. Then you claim they're father figures.

    Laughable, really.

  5. This describes me perfectly. I'm a decade behind.

  6. Worse yet is the father who IS there and refuses to teach him those things because he'd rather be his son's Best Friend.

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Leap. My bad. Forgot the sarcasm tag.

