Monday, January 21, 2013

A Quote from a Human Resources Major

I'm at a Starbucks in Phoenix

Middle aged woman comes out and asks a blue-collarish looking gentleman at the table across from me what he's studying.

"Statistics and algebra," he says.

She says, "Oh, I know the feeling.  I just got my degree.  Thankfully I didn't have to take statistics and algebra.  Last time I did that it was in high school and I nearly failed."

The guy asks, "What kind of degree did you get."

She says, "A Masters in...(Captain wincing)...HUMAN RESOURCES!"

I just laugh.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I think we're no more than ten years from standing college curriculum developers against brick walls and filling them with brand new holes.

  2. Dear God. Even in Sociology, I was required to take multiple stats courses and Calc.

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Was she blonde? Might have been my ex wife...

  4. Ugh. I'm sure somewhere there exists an HR office that can actually do work without screwing up, but the longer I deal with HR, the more convinced I am it's just a make-work program for women who can't get anything done.

    It's like sensitivity training. It adds absolutely no value to the world, and exists only because of politicians and lawyers.

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM


  6. Brendan10:58 AM

    There's a major in that? Sheesh.

  7. Den Mother12:05 PM

    Did you at least nap on the airplane?

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM


    Well, those of us with HR/IR degrees from CSOM DID have to take statistics (OMS), algebra, accounting, business law and yes, even ECONOMICS!

    What's wrong with the rest of the world?!

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I remember that Robert Townsend, in "Up the Organisation" wrote to newly appointed chief execs Sack the whole personnel department, and if they call themselves Human Resources do it even quicker. That was in the late 1960's or early 1970's. Good advice never changes.

  10. Fortunately, she had an opinion.

  11. Human Resources; the more professional face of the Women's Studies degree set.

    How sad; and without basic math, she will struggle to know how much mocha I like in my coffee! :0) Then get some poor mangina fired who she accuses of sexual harassment so as not to get fired for her stellar feminist's performance! I bet he is miserable having worked so hard all those years to get fired as head barrister at all those feminist supporters events?

    Enjoy the decline ladies; hopefully Starbucks has an amazing opt out clause under Obamacare?

  12. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I don't know, human resources, while reprehensible, seems like a stable field to enter. There's not going to be a shortage of employment regulations anytime soon.

  13. But how does that explain the copious amounts Microsoft Power Point art I see in their weekly emails at work?

  14. For college, one USED to be required to take algrebra, stats, etc. to have a well rounded education...

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Not exactly strippers but close enough:

  16. Yet another charter member of the "Math is Hard" club. Yet, make no mistake, people like her will be the first to lecture you on the "science" behind global warming and Paul Krugman's latest missive on why more debt is a good thing.

    In the past nitwits like this would be rightfully shamed. Now they're held up as heroes. :-(

  17. Anonymous7:29 AM

    "Robert Townsend, in "Up the Organisation" wrote to newly appointed chief execs Sack the whole personnel department"

    Unfortunately, with the reams of paper work and employment law you kind need some full-time clerks to keep the avalanche of bureaucratic crap out of the people doing work's hair.

  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    For your perusal: Here's what a day in the life of HR is like...Thanks, Evil HR Lady blog!

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Thought this article is timely:

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
