Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bunnies Now Enjoying GLORIOUS HAT!

Hero Bunny wearing GLORIOUS HAT!


  1. We have 6 documented years of rabbits and hats.

    G. Gordon Liddy calls our Commie Obama Hat "a rabbit hat."

    Solzhenitsyn calls the gullible Russians who went to the Gulag without a fight "rabbits". Much like we call Libs today "sheep."

    Now you are ready for the Commie Obama Trivia game!

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    You heartless monster.

    How many fake rabbits had to die to make your oh-so-trendy hat, hmmm? You should be ASHAMED of yourself.

    Clearly some blonde, topless PETA bimbos need to pay you a visit and set you straight!

    Big Bad Jim

  3. Should we really have to enjoy what God has given to us, even though we sometimes still hard to accept.
