Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Women Confuse Work With Freedom

I'm not all on board with the "women must stay home" feel the article has, but the observations of how women have been sold a bill of goods is good.

I'm just waiting to see if women ever revolt when they realize they've been lied to or double down on the feminist BS they've been fed, forever denying them the opportunity to realize a family or marriage.

Regardless, it is very entertaining and we here at Manosphere Inc. are pulling out our lawn chairs and awaiting for the train wreck.


  1. the dude2:23 PM

    They'll double down cuz it's the narrative. Kinda like gun control- despite all the evidence (and there are mounds of it), the lie has been "less guns = less crime", so no matter what, they cannot deviate from the narrative.

    Feminism is the same. It's a lie told so often for so long that it's now gospel truth, and it will not be abandoned until literally everyone who believes it dies.

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "Let me take the example of Carla, my young Italian wife and mother of my five small children...
    Not only does she have more than the one or two children permitted by fashion..."

    Um, one or two children aren't the fashion, the fashion in Italy is half a child per couple, or less. One child is excessive. Of course, this can get messy...and the people "work" there, but not like we think of work here. More like a little work with their vacation time (exception accountants, what a godawful job that is over there).

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "Let me take the example of Carla, my young Italian wife and mother of my five small children...
    Not only does she have more than the one or two children permitted by fashion..."

    Um, one or two children aren't the fashion, the fashion in Italy is half a child per couple, or less. One child is excessive. Of course, this can get messy...and the people "work" there, but not like we think of work here. More like a little work with their vacation time (exception accountants, what a godawful job that is over there).

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    You might say that train is...heading downhill...or perhaps even "declining"...

  5. With the current trend, my money is on that they'll find a way to blame men for their situation, no matter how many hamsterbatics it takes.

  6. Erasmus11:55 PM


    They'll say The Patriarchy tricked them into going to work instead of enjoying life as a mother.

  7. Don't Work In Kennesaw8:41 AM

    “If women stopped work tomorrow it would solve the West’s chronic unemployment crisis overnight.”

    Think of all the unstaffed HR departments.

    All those CEOs who will actually have to make critical decisions and take responsibility regarding personnel.

    Dreadful, I know. Also I'm of the belief that Feminism will stop when racism does. Which is to say never.

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "Women have careers, men have jobs."
