Friday, February 15, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day to Commit a Crime

You could work hard, pay half in taxes, and have your wealth confiscated at a later date

you could do that...


you could commit crimes instead!

Sadly, a life of crime is becoming easier than a legit corporate career.  Just make sure you do it in a country that is favorable to criminals.


  1. Ryan Fuller2:36 PM

    "Any one of these countries would be a strong choice for the man determined to commence his criminal career, and notice how they are all in Europe."

    Canada is not in Europe. Just being a socialist sissy-state does not make you European.

  2. Practice! Practice! Practice!3:07 PM

    Since you're a fan of Return of Kings, what do you think of this article?

  3. Andrew5:23 PM

    And we have movies like Heat and The Town and Collateral to guide us, lmao. I discussed something like this in one of my college classes, and even the professor was surprised at the statistics of how many bank robbers escape in the USA.

  4. @Andrew
    Wait... you have my name and think like me.


    It is an alternative to flying a cash register post-college that.

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Canada is very easy on criminals, but if you are bad enough and get caught, you may wind up in a cell with a fetal alcohol-syndrome-suffering BFI.

  6. The five best countries to commit crimes in will remain true only as long as their social-welfare governments continue to exist. Canada is probably long-term sustainable. But the others have a rendezvous with reality once the money for their socialist schemes runs out, probably during the next decade.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    What a repulsive article, the author is only obssessed with women and doesn't care about crime at all.

    If I was a crime boss, I would want to be surrounded with tanks, missiles, ICBM's, drones and soldiers. Who cares about women.

    He should start an escort service or open a Hooters restaurant.
