Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Score One for the Good Guys

What do I keep telling you boys about vasectomies.  Thankfully, this story ended well.


  1. That's so sad. You can tell those children were his life.

  2. If my experience is any guide, the children will return to him.

    A wife and mother will lean towards "bonding with" instead of raising the children. That works until they are forced to deal with the real, adult world, then a father's harsher and more truthful guidance is needed.

    By the time they've 21, they've discovered what kind of person their mother was, and their father.

    It will be a few years, but only a few.

  3. If my experience is any guide, the children will return to him.

    A wife and mother will lean towards "bonding with" instead of raising the children. That works until they are forced to deal with the real, adult world, then a father's harsher and more truthful guidance is needed.

    By the time they've 21, they've discovered what kind of person their mother was, and their father.

    It will be a few years, but only a few.

  4. Thanks for the linkage, Cap! Wish it wasn't for such a depressing story. It sets an interesting legal precedent though.
