Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Liberal Zombie Apocalypse

I do not mean to reference the movie "I Am Legend" so frequently, but there were two instances in the movie that I found applicable to what I was writing about.  The first was when he had to kill his dog (and is referenced in "Enjoy the Decline") and the second is this.

The reason for the second reference is that I like how the zombies are completely feral and lacking reason, logic or thought.  If I recall the movie correctly, Will Smith's character does develop a cure that would cure all the zombies and turn them back into humans, he even tries reasoning with them, but their brains are too far gone to even comprehend what he's saying.  They just want to kill him, even though he's their only hope.

What's funny (sad actually) is just how exactly a zombie's brain parallels that of a liberal.

The time is coming where the promises made by liberals, but paid for by the labor of others, will be broken.  The economy is already slowing and it is my prediction this trend will continue.  It may accelerate, it may slow, heck we may even grow again, but the overall trend I believe will be the trend it's been since the 1960's - declining growth.  At some point it will reach a "critical point" where no matter what leftists politicians promised their parasitic constituents, there plain won't be the money or production to honor those commitments.  This is already happening on a micro level.  Detroit is a nice municipal example and the various instances of pensions paying out only a fraction of what they promise their government employees is another.  But there will come a point where social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, WIC, you name it, is not only going to not deliver what it promised, but SIGNIFICANTLY less.  It is only because of the benevolence (of naivety) of creditors such as the Chinese this hasn't happened already. 

Regardless, when this point in time comes you can expect the same amount of reason and rationality from enraged liberals, leftists, and parasites.  And it's for several reasons.

First, understand how weak a mind has to be in order to swallow whole the leftist ideology.  Yes, I know it's force-fed to kids in the schools, but I'm talking on a biological level.  I remember a healthy amount of disrespect and suspicion for my teachers as a child.  I didn't just believe what they said because "they were the teacher."  Many of my classmates also had this healthy distrust.  Turns out we were the smarter cadre of students in my class and I believe on a genetic level had an intelligence high enough to have some kind of immunity against brainwashing.  So I do believe right off the bat you are dealing with brains that are genetically predisposed AGAINST independent thought and intellectual honesty.

Second, of course the brainwashing.  After 13 years of K-12 education, and an additional 4-8 in college, your average 20 something is so hopelessly and purposely misinformed their entire construct or mental framework for their political ideology is not only erroneous, but so complete and so rooted in their mentality any outside attempts to introduce empirical evidence, logic, or reason is futile.  It isn't until they live LITERALLY 20 more years and the real world just plain kicks the crap out of their ideology with anecdotal experience and evidence that they even ENTERTAIN they might be wrong.  Some, like spinsters/feminists/catwomen, carry their ideology to their grave with an unenviable legacy.

Third, though this can't be said of all liberals, it can be said of (I'd estimate) 85% of them - most of them have a HUGE emotional attachment to their ideology.  The reason is simple.

What precise accomplishments and achievements in life can the average leftist point to that gives their live meaning and worth?

The answer is  - "nothing."

Your average leftist isn't curing cancer, building empires, starting an accounting career, or developing a trade.  They're "raising awareness" or "engaging communities" or "helping the children" or leading some bullshit crusade.  Whatever euphemistic titles and jargon they use to describe their "careers," in the end they're just masking the fact they're literally doing nothing with their lives.  ie-their lives are worthless and thus they are worthless people.

Since deep down inside they know they are worthless and their lives have no meaning, they put "leftism/socialism/communism" at the core of their being.  As Rush Limbaugh says, "being a liberal is the easiest thing" in that you just have to "claim" you care and vote to use OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to finance your compassion.  Ergo, if you ever GENUINELY, INTELLIGENTLY, LOGICALLY and DISPASSIONATELY constructively criticize of question a liberal's ideology they get emotional, enraged and angry (I remember the only people who cried on my radio show were liberals).  This isn't because they really care about the poor children in Africa.  It's because you are shining light on the fact they are a worthless person who does nothing, has done nothing, will continue to do nothing, and thus waste their lives. 

The final result of such thorough brainwashing, insecurity, laziness, and a predisposition to naivety, results in a veritable zombie impervious to reason, logic and rationale.  No matter the preponderance of evidence, they simply ignore reality and retreat to their circularly referenced and supported ideology, blame the rich, blame conspiracies and (presumably to their deaths) blame "Bush."  You no doubt have ran into this where you can cite data on the internet from a reputable source, PROVING a leftist is wrong, but they (like the dismembered knight in Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail) will never admit defeat and continue to subscribe to their now-false beliefs. 

But it gets much worse than that. 

Since you (and reality) are attacking the only thing that gives them value (their ideology) they will get angry.  Worse still, once our creditors no longer renew our line of credit, the tab for their socialist hokey pokey will come due, and we won't be able to pay.  This will result in REAL cuts to social spending which will then threaten their livelihoods as a disproportionate percent of leftists are parasitic and dependent on other people.

The end result is a real zombie movie.  A post-apocalyptic economy where food, clothing and shelter are no longer being produced in quantities needed, and masses of angry, feral, irrational leftists whose pride (and shame) in their ideology prevent them from being negotiated with or reasoned with to rebuild society.  In short, I truly believe leftists are so committed to their ideology that if the economy can no longer produce the basic necessities they would resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem if necessary.  This is of course very pessimistic of me, and a sad statement of a lack of faith in my fellow man, but if you look at how leftists don't even care about their own lives, to the point they'd ruin it by putting their ideology first and themselves second, you can't expect them to be open-minded during the coming Liberal Zombie Apocalypse. 

This post sponsored by Amazon!  You have to buy something today, might as well buy it here and save yourself the hassle of driving to the store.  It doesn't cost you anything more, but the Captain does get a 7% commission, allowing him to write instead of work for dumbass bankers.  Make the Captain happy, piss off his previous employers, and save yourself some time.  Shop at Amazon!


  1. Great post, Captain! However there is one thing I have to disagree with, something that you speak of often, the Chinese. When I think of Chinese people, for the most part I think of bright people. You are constantly calling them "naive" for loaning us so much money that we can't repay, Peter Schiff calls them "Suckers" for the same reason. My question is, did it ever occur to you guys that they know exactly what they're doing and they aren't being stupid or silly? As the old saying goes, "With friends like that, you don't need enemies." By loaning us money that we can't repay, sure, it will cost them quite a bit of money in the short term - but it sets them up very well in the future. By being our "friends" and enabling our dependence with regards to debt, they are setting us up for massive failure. And when we inevitably fail, they'll be in a great place to succeed and become the world's most powerful economy.

  2. Really good summation of the leftist brain. Interesting about how some are more predisposed to swallow it as kids.

    Anyhow, I've put lefties into three convenient categories. Converting and/or humiliating them is a hobby of mine (whichever's possible, depending on which category they're in). This is what I go by, so I offer my system to you:

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    How does that amazon thing work, is it leaving a cookie on my system when I click through?
    It's not like the URL is referencing anything?

  4. @ Bob

    China's economic model is fundementally unstable. It's just the Japanese concept on steriods. As for the loaning us money, the captain is right, they were suckers.

    The Chinese know what is going on, but it's too late for them to do anything other than damage control. Which is why they are buying gold.

    Think about it this way. The chinese gave us their money, in exchange to pay them back with interest, which we use to buy real tangible goods. As the Captain says, stuff, not money, is wealth.

    And guess what we are buying. Tanks, missiles, satellites, drones, and establishing bases in the pacific. When we finally default and tell the chinese we aren't going to pay what are they going to do? Nothing, because they can't make us pay.

    1. Read something wile back about they have a long time eco strategy & being nice and stuff is of no benefit.

  5. Theo P.3:15 PM

    If twenty years of normal reality can convert a leftist, then it stands to reason that five years of harsh reality can do the same. However, I suppose that the damage will still be done--be it five election cycles or five years of devouring what's left of society--before they come around.

    Me, I just signed up for food stamps; what the hey, right? Wish I'd gotten a picture of the place. there used to be a thriving mall there, but when that closed down due to bigger malls in nicer areas, they tore it downa nd replaced it with a Job and Family Services building and a Dept of Taxation building. It's so convenient that they can just walk their comically oversized bags with dollar signs from one building to the other!
    The buildings themselves look like modern libraries with huge windows looking out over a desolate, rocky expanse and a lot of 60+-year-old commercial space that nobody wants anymmore.

  6. Bob, thanks for your kind words on my post. The liberal mind is a specialty of mine, and it feels good when others acknowledge it.

  7. "...Make the Captain happy, piss off his previous employers, and save yourself some time. Shop at Amazon!"

    Not unless they sell guns n ammo!

    Speaking of which - 8 YEARS of firearms inventory are GONE.

    This isn't a country 'stocking up', this is a country preparing for war. Guess which side of the political spectrum has all the guns? Guess which side of the political spectrum pisses all over the military, slashes their budgets and holds them in contempt?

    The coming sh*tstorm with the liberals is going to be short, sweet - and very painful for the stupid.

    There IS cause for optimism too, Captain.

  8. Cogitans Iuvenis - From my very limited understanding of China's economy, aren't they adopting more and more of Hong Kong's practices? At any rate though, I think you are missing my point. My point is that they could be loaning us money - KNOWING - that we can't pay it back, just so they can set us up for failure by making us dependent on foreign loans. Government spending generally goes up, not down. These entitlement programs are like Pandora's Box, once they are started they are nearly impossible to stop. Just look at the riots in Europe because their "mean" governments are making them wait until they are 12 years old to retire, or because they have to pay a whole dollar for their entire education - can you imagine what would happen here if we cut social security overnight? My suggestion is that they are simply setting us up to fail, enabling our dependence on them so that way later they can say "Sorry guys, we can't afford to lend you any more money" and we will be screwed. In other words, them giving us money may not be a loan that they expect to see repaid, as many think it is - it could be an investment in our decline and their economic future.

    Martel - No problem! A lot of it was things that I myself have been thinking about lately. I too am a huge Thomas Sowell fan!

  9. Practice! Practice! Practice!4:58 PM

    " I remember a healthy amount of disrespect and suspicion for my teachers as a child."

    Disrespect is never healthy and I say its one of the reasons mainstream culture in the US is in the deplorable conditions its in.

    I'm of South Asian descent and we are raised to respect and be polite toward elders. That does not mean we are raised to believe whatever anyone tells us just because they are elder. It simply means that we offer a basic level of respect to other human beings and conduct our dealings with them, whether its of agreement/compliance or debate within the parameters of courtesy and etiquette.

    Honestly I am appalled at the behaviour I see in the US coming from many kids and teens towards not only adults but towards their peers. It seems that "rebellion" is a virtue onto itself here, despite the content of the rebellion or even if there is any content in it.

    I'd be grateful is somebody could explain this cultural phenomena to me because I do not "get it" at all.

    I wouldn't rag on K-12. Its meant to give kids basic knowledge in math, science, history, etc. There's only so much that can be covered during the day so that's why bright kids with enquiring minds explore further knowledge outside of the classroom.

    In my ancestral home poor and uneducated kids are clamoring for K-12. They make the most of whatever education they can get and supplement it if need be.
    They also manage to respect their (often very lacking) teachers in the process. That's called "culture".

    The lack of culture and just basic etiquette here had South Asian teacher recruits clamoring to return to their countries to teach in schools that had less material resources and paid less but where the kids were at least kind.

    I agree with you that much is wrong with the US and one room for improvement is in this area.

    I do what I can while I'm here. I actually volunteer to teach kids breathing techniques, meditation and culture in both private and public schools.

    Their minds are all mixed up and confused and they have no daily practice that grounds them. I give them that and so far the results have been great.

    There is a lot of good here too. More and more people are turning away from corporate consumerism and frankenfood consumption. Front yard farmiing and indoor vertical gardening is on the rise. Home clothing swaps are replacing shopping at the mall. Freecycling and gift economy groups are popping up everywhere.
    Philosophical and meditation meetups have ever increasing join rates.

    Americans are dropping out of the materialistic mainstream one by one and I do find most adults I meet in person here to be genuinely nice.

    However there are certain core glitches that have arisen in the core culture that are systemic. This rebelliousness without content is one of them.

    I'm with you that things need to change. However I think they are, slowly but surely, and I think the future, like 50 years from now, will see a less materialistic and more enlightened USA.

    The future is bright if we can just get through the last remains of this current somewhat still backwards generation.

  10. Ping Jockey6:16 PM

    The first post by Bob reminds me so much of the old expression, "Giving someone enough rope to hang themselves". To me, it seems that the Chinese are 'loaning' us money so that we can buy the rope (which has probably been manufactured in China, too).

  11. PUMPsix7:06 PM

    Turning 21 later this year and I can't help but think I have been really fucked over. Too young to live it large like the previous generations, but not too young to pick up the tab.

  12. Rex Little7:20 PM

    Much as I'd like to believe that liberals are stupid people who have wasted their lives, there are too many very bright ones in my own family, who have accomplished a great deal, to make that possible.

  13. Anonymous9:34 PM

    In short, I truly believe leftists are so committed to their ideology that if the economy can no longer produce the basic necessities they would resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem if necessary.

    As much as I hate to disagree with you; you are being too kind to them. It is not that they "would resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem if necessary.". They WILL resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem as their first choice. The only thing that will restrain them is superior firepower applied immediately and remorselessly once they start.

  14. @ Bob

    It may appear that China is becoming more free market like Hong Kong, it's entirely a ruse. The state is heavily involved in all their major industries and companies through shell companies. It's great slight of hand, but the fact is that their economic system is unsustainable.

    Our debt with China, and eventual default, is not without costs for America however, we overestimate the leverage China has on the US. What few realize is that the US has done this sort of thing before in the past specifically with the mid east. In the 1950s we started buying their oil in efforts to pull them away from the Soviet Union. While it looks like we are beholden to them it is in fact the reverse. Those regimes are dependent on the United States' market, and military support.

    If China had a sustainable economy that could handle seeing over half of their reserves disappear with default then I would agree with you. Lending money to get America to bankrupt itself would be an effective way to bring America down. But China is still a piss poor country with hundreds of millions of people living in third world conditions. Add into the fact it appears their working age population peaked and has started to enter decline then it paints a different picture. Even after the collapse America will still possess enough food and material wealth to function, we are the third largest producers of oil after all, China doesn't have that luxury.

    I'm not saying that default won't hurt America, it will. But it's who it will hurt. It won't hurt those connected to the government or wall street, it's going to hurt the average American. America will decline, but it has set up a global system that ensures our potential rivals will decline with us.

  15. You don't need the school kids to be immune to brainwashing, you just need to plant a few subversive thoughts and leave them to fester. I think I was I fairly naive and trusting of my teachers' intellectual authority most of the time, but there are several events that stuck in my mind and poisoned the proverbial well.

    Take group assignments in class. Your mark, and possibly your term grade, depends not upon your own efforts, but that of the others in your (arbitrarily or randomly created) group. More often than not, I would be carrying the others, either doing the hardest or largest of the tasks to be divided up, or supplying most of the answers when we directed to put our heads together to answer questions.

    It wasn't until late- to post-high school that I would start analyzing and put a name to this phenomenon that pissed me off: socialism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, and other 'fairness' and 'equality' and 'sharing' bullshit. I did most of the work, and we all got rewarded with the same mark. I'd pull their mark up, and their slipshod or missing contribution would drag mine down. Redistribution? Fuck. That. Noise.

    If you can inflict a few lessons in how progressive politics and economics would work in practical application, and most importantly name it, the kids will remember the sucky experience, and will immediately be on guard when someone starts talking about the real life adult version.

    @Bob: Alternatively, China isn't setting America up for failure per se, but is maneuvering itself into a position to extort the US. Take North Korea, for example. If the US tries to act beyond toothless diplomatic gestures, China calls in some of its loans and the economy has a heart attack.

    Shades of the US blackballing the UK during the Suez Crisis.

  16. I wouldn't rag on K-12. Its meant to give kids basic knowledge in math, science, history, etc. There's only so much that can be covered during the day so that's why bright kids with enquiring minds explore further knowledge outside of the classroom.

    I would say you've stated what the problem with K-12 is quite well. The good inherent in the idea of a basic education is not disputed, but a basic education is no longer being given.

    Lessons in multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance and How Not To Be An Evil Capitalist American Who Rapes Other Cultures (see also straight, White, Christian male) have supplanted basic skills in reading, writing, and 'rithmatic, as the old rhyme goes.

    One might think that fostering the idea that every child can be a superstar is only a good thing, but it degrades quickly when it is discovered that most people are just average, capable but average, are given an inflated sense of their importance, and their REAL NEEDS are not catered to. REAL NEEDS like learning a viable skill and enough basic civics and math to participate in the economy without guilt or shame. Instead, a K-12 education in America denies kids the opportunity to learn skills and instead focuses on getting EveryKidToCollege and ParticipatingInGlobalism and being entrepreneurs, while completely overlooking that entrepreneurs are somewhat unique types.

    Students who do choose to learn skills rather than go to college are routinely thought of as slackers, not bright or not intelligent, not hardworking, and not worth a teacher's time or the time of many of their peers. Some of these skills-educated kids eschew college and go on to own successful businesses or work for other successful business owners. I worked in a school system that had an integrated Vocational-Technical high school in the main high school. It was subtle, but the vo-tech kids were slighted and marginalized by teachers, passed along without a real thought to their learning because "they weren't going to college so all they have to do is get a C to pass." Imagine what this does to a kid's idea of his responsibilities, when his teachers don't have any expectations because he's only learning to be a "grease monkey." It's shameful.

  17. Rex Little,

    Oh, I agree. I have liberal friends who are successful too and CAN be reasoned with. But these are liberals who know I'm a libertarian/conservative and don't get pissed off. I would say about only 15% of liberals are that way and when there's no food on the shelf will FINALLY maybe start asking some questions.

    The ones I'm worried about are the morons like Peggy Joseph or the fanatics like your professional protestors/activists/feminists types. With no heat, food, clothing, shelter, they'll blame rich people or white males or whatever, never themselves, and thus, there will be a conflict with them.

  18. Phil Galt6:01 AM

    helpful hint: stop the kids wearing the "Guy Fawkes" mask first.

  19. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "In short, I truly believe leftists are so committed to their ideology that if the economy can no longer produce the basic necessities they would resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem if necessary."

    I've been saying this for a long time now and wish it would begin ASAP so that those of us on the other side of this divide can start eliminating them in self-defense. It shouldn't take too long and will then allow the useful people a chance to rebuild a healthy, productive society free from parasitic infection. How nice would life be then!! :)

  20. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I sense that when the collapse finally happens .... a lot of Liberal zombies will be shot as marauders upon approaching any conservative stronghold that actually prepped up a bit for the occasion.

    I for one, will not be opening my door to those who brought down our society.

  21. Anonymous11:00 AM

    America will repay the Chinese, not with money ... there will be not much of that, but by handing over to the Chinese, vast stretches of farmland so they can grow their food here and send it home to feed their pismire culture.

    Watch for the displacement of farmers over the next few years and the continued gobbling up of farm land by Obama's pals in the mega agro biz. Monsanto comes to mind.

    Don't worry, they will collect and they know money isn't what they will need ... they will need what we all need, enough food to keep the population calm. It will al shake down badly.

  22. Cogitans Iuvenis - Interesting points, I had no idea that they were playing a shell game! As I said, I'm not all that knowledgeable about their economy. Just a thought I had for consideration.

    V10 - Interesting, but why would China want to help North Korea? North Korea is dirt poor and it seems to me that there would be no benefit in helping them.

  23. >I'd be grateful is somebody could explain this cultural phenomena to me because I do not "get it" at all.

    I can name that tune in 4 notes!


    RE debt to china:

    When you owe the bank $100 and can't pay, you're in big trouble.

    When you owe the bank $100,000,000,000 and can't pay. . .the bank's in big trouble.

  24. Practice! Practice! Practice!5:21 PM

    "Lessons in multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance and How Not To Be An Evil Capitalist American Who Rapes Other Cultures (see also straight, White, Christian male) have supplanted basic skills in reading, writing, and 'rithmatic, as the old rhyme goes."

    Well, there will be kids from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds in the class so naturally their cultures and religions will be shared and learned about. What's wrong with that?

    As far as "evil capitalistic America" when teaching about what goes on around the world the exploits of various American and Multi National Companies will eventually come up and some of it is indeed grim so I don't see how or why that should be glossed over.

    And historically Christianity was closely linked to imperialism and colonization so there's no avoiding that either.

    Part of education is teaching some grim truths. Its not all happy happy roses.

    However as I mentioned I volunteer with kids but I've yet to hear any in depth talk on these very real issues so I'm surprised and impressed if they are being discussed at length in your school district. Where do you live if I may ask?

  25. Practice! Practice! Practice!5:32 PM

    "One might think that fostering the idea that every child can be a superstar is only a good thing, but it degrades quickly when it is discovered that most people are just average"

    That's part of my point to CC and his encouraging of kids to "hate" their teachers. These kids aren't special snow flakes to begin with so there's no need for them to get all uppity with their teachers, no matter how "intelligent" and "creative" their parents think they are.

    "REAL NEEDS like learning a viable skill"

    They can get their GED and go to trade school.

    "and enough basic civics and math to participate in the economy without guilt or shame. Instead, a K-12 education in America denies kids the opportunity to learn skills and instead focuses on getting EveryKidToCollege and ParticipatingInGlobalism and being entrepreneurs, while completely overlooking that entrepreneurs are somewhat unique types."

    True. Some people aren't cut out for academics or entrepreneurship. I am in favor of child labor in the West in fact. Not too young, but at least some of kids, the ones who are not school types, should be working by 14 in areas where they can move up over the years and earn more.

    "Students who do choose to learn skills rather than go to college are routinely thought of as slackers, not bright or not intelligent, not hardworking"

    Some of them are like that. Like I said, child labor is the answer. It will turn slackers into producers once they get the feel of money in their little hands, and a also provide a sense of accomplishment which is good for their self esteem.

    "and not worth a teacher's time or the time of many of their peers."

    I'm more concerned with how much time THE PARENTS of these kids are putting into them. Teachers and "peers" can only do so much. The full responsibility of a child rests with his/her parents.

    Americans don't seem to get that. Indeed, many American parents are more concerned with their own "dating life" than they are with their kids!

    "Some of these skills-educated kids eschew college and go on to own successful businesses or work for other successful business owners."

    Good for them. Then it doesn't matter that their teachers or "peers" didn't give them the time of day, nor most likely their own parents. They made good on their own or with someone who did care enough about them to mentor them.

    "I worked in a school system that had an integrated Vocational-Technical high school in the main high school. It was subtle, but the vo-tech kids were slighted and marginalized by teachers, passed along without a real thought to their learning because "they weren't going to college so all they have to do is get a C to pass." Imagine what this does to a kid's idea of his responsibilities, when his teachers don't have any expectations because he's only learning to be a "grease monkey." It's shameful."

    The kids have a responsibility to do their homework to the best of their ability and turn it in on time. Their parents have a responsibility to help them do this.

    I continuously see American parents expecting teachers to be parents to their kids.

    I simply don't get it.

  26. The human body has ways of compensating for problems it might be having with its systems. This is great in some ways, but there is a problem.

    The body compensates, and while compensating the patient might appear fine or have very little symptoms, but when it can no longer compensates it goes straight into the toilet.

    The collective leftist mind and our current political situation is a reflection of biology on a societal scale.

  27. Thus the current Zombie craze - we all know it's going to go down at some point.

    George Romero always saw his zombies as stand-ins for whatever political or social commentary he was interested in at the time. Romero is clearly a leftist. Irony of ironies, in the end, his zombies will be seen as a metaphor for the unthinking leftist mob - that while Dawn of the Dead was about consumerism, and Day about Reagan and military versus science, and Land about Iraq, in total the zombie outbreak and collapse of society is about the scourge of the Left.

  28. WRT parents expecting teachers to be the parents, you're absolutely correct in many cases. And then the parents complain if the teachers go too far, discipline too much, or give bad grades for incomplete homework.

    Endless chances upon chances upon chances are given for kids to make up assignments, usually because a parent will call and complain about a grade. I saw this in poor urban schools, rich suburban schools, and middle/working class schools. I worked in all three types of districts.

    In many cases, teachers are damned if they do, damned if they don't. A lot of them are very bright and productive, and I get a sense that they cared - and, shocker, most of those were older grandmotherly female teachers, or male teachers. The younger, fresh out of grad school liberal teacher types were very much about teaching kids to pick apart the Constitution and deride it because it didn't service some liberal purpose. "Presentism", or judging the past by modern day standards, rules the classrooms.

    As far as kids being taught to hate their nation, and that you've never seen a lesson that does so speifically: don't take that statement literally. The sentiment is the subtext of many lessons.

  29. Practice! Practice! Practice!12:16 PM

    Hi Amy. Yes, my experience has been that most teachers do care and try their best. Its not an easy job, especially in this country where respect for elders and/or authority figures is so scant. That's my main beef with CC here, 2 or 3 posts in my short time here dissing teachers and encouraging kids to "hate" them. I just don't understand it. If that's what you (hypothetical you) think about teachers then why not pull you kid from the school system altogether and school him or her at home, even if it means doing it in the evening when you return from a long day at work?

    I know if I were a teacher (and I am but of a different sort) I would not feel inspired to go out of my way to teach a disrespectful kid. I'd just ignore him or her and let the parents deal with the monster they created.

    As far as being taught to hate their nation, some people feel that any criticism at all of a country or culture is "hate". In my other country (India) there are some people who are so chauvanistically biased toward their own culture that they refuse to see any fault anywhere and thus they get stuck in old paradigms and never move forward. They also decry "the left" and the "liberal media" for "subverting traditional Indian (or Hindu) values".

    I'm a proud Hindu myself but there are some systemic issues in our culture, some problems that cannot solely be laid at the feet of outsiders like foreign Muslims, foreign funded MIC (missionary industrial complex)British Imperialism, colonization, etc.)

    Of course there are many, many problems as a result of those things too, but the approach to betterment must be two pronged; addressing the issues that came from outside, and addressing the issues that came from within.

    I see the same phenomena here in the USA, and everywhere I travel.

    "The Left" and "liberal media" are useful in that they do tend to point out areas that need much improvement that those on the "right" may not notice or give credence to.

    Blind patriotism is not a virtue.

    (by the way I replied to you and others regarding "womens work" on that thread)

  30. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater6:02 AM

    They behave as if their ideology is their religion, because their ideology IS their religion! Whether they be nominally atheist or some other 'progressive' religion like Reform Judaism, Unitarianism, or some flavor of Liberation theology, what they REALLY believe in, taken on faith despite the worldly evidence, is Marxism and/or one of its offshoots such as environmentalism or feminism.

    Also, the Chinese play along with the dollar farce because jobs keep their slaves from revolting. If and when that problem goes away one way or another, the US can inflault out of their Chinese debts
