Friday, May 17, 2013

Before You Major in Law...

consider this first.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Good article on how much of a rip off college is. - Commentary: How the College-Industrial Complex drove tuition so high -

  2. After 24 years in the biz, I must say, this asshole is right.

  3. And the idiots will continue to ignore our advice until they get screwed and then blame everybody else for their problems. Then they will try to get the government to do something about it and get benefits in the process. Those people not only have ego problems but are most likely have other different character defects. Immaturity and denial mostly.

    I sent you a shorter email yesterday, BTW.

  4. Moishe1:07 PM

    What a nightmare...

    It should be obvious however, from reading that article, that the problem is not necessarily unique to that field, but rather systemic.

    His complaints could easily apply to many other professions, like a policeman.

    The problem is the amount of competition in our ill-structured society. Too many people from too many countries competing against whats left of White America.

    He mentions that the legal system is a "cancer" in our society... I prefer to think that its a cancer growing on top of an existing cancer.

    Get rid of the first cancer, the its progeny dies too.

  5. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I can attest that these are all true. Most attorneys are a miserable lot.
