Friday, May 10, 2013

How Hyphenated American Studies Hurt Minorities


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Ok, I got a weird question. The Captain might be displeased (or not?). How can I get my hands on running a hedge fund? Basically, in this bullshit environment, working until you retire and then drop dead, I'd rather make my money more quickly (not necessarily easy, I don't think that this will be quick and easy, more like quicker than usual and pretty damn hard) :) .


  2. Quartermain12:14 PM

    The thing that really burns my butt about those studies classes is that it teaches people that life is hard on them because they're :

    A. a Negro
    B. a Hispanic
    C. a homosexual
    D. a girl
    E. fill in the blank

    When the truth be known, that life is hard on them because that's the nature of life.

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    One thing that is really evil about these classes is the teaching of "white privilege". It's taught as a given that white skin = advantage. It doesn't matter is a person is of low intelligence & poor, if they're white, Bingo!, automatic advantage over a smart minority.

  4. My dear Captain Capitalism. Letting your audience know who's in charge is important otherwise their minds will wander and wither. I implore you to come to the camera properly dressed, i.e., wearing your captain's forage cap. Be a good officer now and put it on.

    Captain Bill
    Victoria, BC

  5. As for the inverse racism being practiced by whites against whites, a member of the Manosphere* calls it "progracism" short for "progressive" racism. I'll post a link here when I've run out of scotch.
