Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Making Euthanasia Fun

"For example, Clarey is the only guy I know who can write about euthanasia and make it seem like a real fun time."

a review by Matt Forney


  1. Euthanasia enthusiasts were allied with the abortion movement from the get-go. Hell, even the town library back in the seventies put the euthanasia pamphlets in the abortion file folders.

  2. The social conservatives are whining about the boomers who want to off themselves (or be offed) in order not to have to suffer the degrading BS of old age. Yet, at the same time, those same social conservatives do not support biotechnological efforts such as SENS and stem-cell rejuvenation aimed at curing aging and, hence, making continued life worth living.

    They seem to be opposed to both death as well as restoring people to health and vitality. They seem to believe in gratuitous suffering. This does not make sense to me at all. It suggests that these people may, in fact, be deranged.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Kurt, sounds like you want the government to fix everything. People who want to extend their good lives and health can do so by several means which do not require government funded anything.

    Examples: Low carb diets. Exercise programs.

    Instead of calling those who disagree with you, deranged, take control of your own life.

    Also, perhaps you are unaware that stem cell research does not require fetus cells. Nor is there any guarantee that such research will add one minute to the average life expectancy.

    Anonymous age 71

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Social conservatives are all about stem cell research: adult stem cells, your stem cells. Using your stem cells does not kill you, the host. It's the harvesting of embryonic stem cells, killing the host, that riles them so. Lookie here:

    Money shot: While the potency and success of adult stem cell treatments are becoming evident, treatments using embryonic stem cells have not produced any clinical successes. Rather, embryonic stem cell treatments tend to create tumors in numerous animal studies. The public should ponder these issues and ask why the media do not cover such results. In a world with limited funds for research, why are we arguing about unproven and often dangerous embryonic stem cell treatments when treatments using adult stem cells are today producing real results for real patients?

    Now are they deranged?

  5. Kurt, sounds like you want the government to fix everything. People who want to extend their good lives and health can do so by several means which do not require government funded anything.

    No. I am not arguing in favor of government funding for this. For various reasons I am not going to discuss here, I am actually opposed to government-funding of radical life extension, and of science and technology in general. There are private efforts to develop anti-aging biotechnologies. My previous comments were directed at social conservatives who oppose the private development of radical life extension.

    There is one area where political activism is useful for life extension. That would be to lobby congress to force the FDA to change its stance on the approval of effective anti-aging therapies.

    Examples: Low carb diets. Exercise programs.

    I took control of my life starting at age 17. In addition to exercise (weight training - 2 day split - 4 times per week, swimming 40 minutes 3 times per week). I take compounds and supplements that have the potential to increase healthy life span. These include CoQ-10, Resveratrol, Carnosine, and others. I also did 3 years of chelation with Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) which convinced me it is a real anti-aging therapy.

    These things will buy me an extra 3 decades or so, time enough for the more advanced stuff like SENS, genetically engineered stem cells, and synthetic biology to hit the streets.

    Instead of calling those who disagree with you, deranged, take control of your own life.

    I take control of my life because, fundamentally, I believe in self-ownership and have do so since I was 17. I believe in individual self-ownership in the Rothbard/Rand sense.

    The notion that my life could be owned by some external agency, rather than myself, is the most utterly repugnant, disgusting concept I have ever encountered in my entire life. And yes, I consider this concept to be deranged.

  6. Adult vs. embryonic stem cells, I I have no problem with the farming and exploitation of fetuses on a massive scale, should it prove to be necessary. Fetuses are nothing more than a resource, to be exploited like any other resource such as the gasoline I put in my car.

    In any case, cells from your own body can be reprogrammed into stem cells and used for regeneration. These are called iPS's and they work best of all. There are several companies working on this.
