Sunday, May 26, 2013

Party On Wayne

Party on Garth.

This I dedicate to you spoiled brat children protesting and rioting against a country that took you in and saved you from the sh!thole you came from.


  1. James Wolfe11:19 PM

    I love that guy! I don't know who he is but God I wish somebody in Washington had the balls to talk like that. I get so sick of political correctness. We wouldn't want to offend our enemies while they have their boot on our neck. We wouldn't want to appear like we have a backbone while they saw our heads off. Lets just stand there like good infidels and let them walk all over us. It makes me sick how spineless western govts are. We won't even defend our own values or way of life. We might as well give up and enjoy the decline.

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Connell should be running our military, not that wimp in the WH!

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Sure, this guy should be commended for having the guts to criticize Islam, but he doesn't seem to grasp that the (forcible) removal of Christianity from European and, lately, American society is what has allowed Islam to gain headway here. Instead, he expresses contempt for the one thing that would have prevented the Islamic spread.

    I can't remember the speaker, but here is a good quote: "When you remove the Church, you don't get the absence of religion - you get the witch doctor." In the case of the decadent first-worlders, that "witch doctor" quite often comes in the form of socialism/communism (government as God), but if not that, then neo-paganism (Wicca, anyone?), new-agey Buddhism, or, yes, Islam.

    Additionally, without a strong spiritual identity, a people struggle to have a strong cultural identity, in which case importing third-world savages can seem like a good idea until they start sawing heads off in broad daylight, after which, the now-culture-less people can't muster up the balls to do anything about it.

    Whether one believes in God or not, any intelligent man must recognize that Christianity was the primary influence that allowed Europe and the US to achieve the level of success that they did, and that its removal is what is allowing their downfall.

  4. Moishe11:00 AM

    Poster of post #3 pretty much sums up Pat Condell pretty well...

    I'm pretty sure Pat Condell himself by now realizes what you said is true, but he's too old and proud to admit it.

  5. Anonymous definitely has a point. We all know what happened with Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tung when people were forced to buy into atheism. People are going to be scumbags no matter what religion they believe in, but would Islam have been radicalized as much if there was a more traditionalist Christian influenced stronghold on the Western world. I'm not really sure. Notice how I didn't say Christianity itself.

  6. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Organized religion of any kind is and always has been a tool for controlling the masses. If there was a total lack of religion would this conflict and animosity exist?! Yes, but not nearly to this level!!
