Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Again, I Ask, Where Is the Feminist Equivalent of This?

From ROK:

This question is in reference to the work you’ve done yourself. How well groomed are you? How engaging are you in conversation? Are you funny, witty, and confident enough when engaging the women you want? Do you dress well enough to catch their eye? Are you physically fit enough to catch their eye?

I know I just wrote about this, but it is a point worth reiterating.

For all the accusations of "misogyny" and "sexism" men in the Manosphere sure are critical of themselves and awfully considerate and aware of what women want.  They are willing to admit they have flaws or that there is room for improvement.  Additionally, men are willing to expend the effort, time and sweat into changing themselves for the better. Naturally this is not purely altruistic as the larger goal is in part to attract a woman, but it is certainly the opposite of what goes for standard gospel in the feministsphere - "the world must bend to my desires and if not then screw society, and oh, btw, you're all sexist."

Notice the men of the Manosphere do NOT try to force society to their will.  They do NOT try to undo nature.  They ask "What is reality?" and then change their actions, strategies and behaviors to accommodate and benefit from these realities.  Feminism is, quite frankly, delusional with a belt of selfish on top of it. To think that an entire half of society is going to undo their genetic programming and fight their hard-wired nature AND to call them names on top of it if they don't?  I'm no psychologist but I'm sure there are multiple psychoses infecting such a person with such a deluded perception of reality and oneself.

It's a really simple solution, so simple it's basically a variant of the golden rule - treat others as you would like to be treated.

Well, I would like women to stay in shape, carry their own weight, be interesting, be civil and courteous and dress appropriately.  Therefore in return I pretty much do the same.  It is whether women realize this basic mutually advantageous relationship with one another and capitalize off of it, or scream "sexist" or "misogynist" because men dare to hold women up to standards before spending their time on them.

Enjoy the decline!


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Paging Bob Wallace, paging Bob Wallace.

    UncaBob, take note. There are men in the 'sphere who want to improve and want to get better. There are men who seek to find out what reality is, and then conform their conduct to it so as to maximize their lives and improve their chances of finding lasting and satisfying relationships.

    It's not all whining and complaining. Some of it is actually helping men get better.


  2. I like where this post is going. It all goes back to the Golden Rule and a good code of ethics. Nothing wrong or complicated about that.

    I'm kind of confused over the concept of the Manosphere. In terms of objectives and goals, how is the Manosphere different from the Mens Rights Movement and would I have to be an MRA to be part of the Manosphere?

    I have seen some YouTubers who are interested in mens issues but don't really get into feminism that much because they consider it a symptom of something much bigger.

  3. Makes me want to start working out again. I've been swamped with schoolwork, my career, and studying for the GRE.

  4. ChrisP11:06 AM

    Here is another example of women trying to force reality to their will and being surprised when confronted with reality:


    From page 1:
    "A woman’s fertility starts to decline noticeably at 27, and more steeply at age 35, and even more steeply at age 40."

    From page 2:
    "No one should ever feel rushed to have a baby."

  5. Stryker11:29 AM


  6. Why do men like thin women with big bosoms?

    I don't know - why do women like men with lots of money?

    It's nature. It's evolution. It's biology. It's reality.

    It's reality. It's reality. It's reality.

    You cannot cheat reality. Life does not have a cheat code or an alchemist formula that will magically turn lead into gold. Ask anybody who thought they could cheat the market and magically make themselves homeowners in 2005. Denying reality doesn't help anybody, especially the person living a delusion. Ask any women who thinks men will magically change and like fatties.

    I choose to live in the real world. Where do you live?

  7. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Dude I disagree with you on politics but I will be damned if you do not hit everything else right on the fucking head. Women also call you a pig, and a rape apologist if you do not buy their line of shit! I read you everyday, keep posting!!

  8. "UncaBob, take note. There are men in the 'sphere who want to improve and want to get better. There are men who seek to find out what reality is, and then conform their conduct to it so as to maximize their lives and improve their chances of finding lasting and satisfying relationships.'

    I never said they shouldn't. But when all the dross is burned away from the Manosphere, you know what is going to be left?

    The Four Cardinal Virtues ("virtue" means the "powers of men"). Courage (confidence), Prudence, Self-Control (not being impulsive) and Justice. The discovery of those qualities is over 2000 years old - and probably older than that.

    The idea that men in the past - say for the past 3000 years - have not discussed these things is the height of ignorance and arrogance. And to say "things have changed" is more than a little disingenuous. Human nature doesn't change.

    Over and over, throughout history, men have come to the same conclusion about what a man is supposed to be. What I had to describe it in two words, it would be: confident and competent.

    Contrary to what anyone thinks, I am not an enemy of the Manosphere. But there are many incorrect things in it.

    If anyone cannot handle criticism, and answer it without insults and female hysteria, that is their problem...not mine.

  9. words to live by. truth.

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Silver lining: women are making themselves so gross and disgusting, fewer men will go beta provider before they find the manosphere and/or gtow.

  11. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bob Wallace ; The manosphere makes no claim to having "discovered" the ideas it writes about. Your positions creates arguments where none exist and manufactures disagreement for no reason.


  12. "Bob Wallace ; The manosphere makes no claim to having "discovered" the ideas it writes about. Your positions creates arguments where none exist and manufactures disagreement for no reason.:

    It certainly does claim to have discovered "new" truths. And the Manosphere is nothing but argument. And as for "disagreement"...without conflict there is no advancement.

    If you don't what I write..don't read it. That's a pretty simple solution.

  13. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Bob, I was an activist from 1984 to 1993. There has been a men's movement for all 45 years of the feminist outrages.

    So, why haven't you heard of them? All 45 years when men would organize to do something there was ALWAYS someone who would come in and shout, "You are doing it wrong. You are doing it wrong."

    And, while doing nothing themselves, they would attack and attack until those who were doing something were driven away.

    Then, they would say, "I knew they were doing it wrong."

    We called them, among less printable names, Destroyers.

    Anonymous age 71
