Thursday, July 11, 2013

Anger is a Good Thing

One of the things the left is trying to beat out of people is "hatred" and "anger."

The reason why is that those inevitably lead to something they truly fear - revenge.

Hatred, anger, and revenge, however are not inherently "bad."  They are neutral, they are facts of life, they are darwinistic responses that are necessary to extend one's life and protect one's family and friends. 

But the political attempt to villainize hate, is just that - a political move.  It has an ulterior motive and that is to prevent or moot people's desire and incentives for revenge, even self-respect.

Therefore, when you see hate, don't immediately default to accusing the person of being a "hater."  Ask first why they might hate.  You might be surprised that there are good reasons.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I know I shouldn't focus on it so much, but I really get angry at all of the lives destroyed by the various utopian experiments. I know you aren't a Christian, cap'n, but I look at their miserable lives and think of that as God's hatred for them. Their diseased minds and depraved lifestyles are like a pre-judgment on them, a hell on earth. Like the Saudi who couldn't grasp value, but instead with people incompatible with industry and morals.

  2. people tend to get really uncomfortable when someone points out that not only are men angry about something, but that our anger is justified.

    they should be uncomfortable. the future does not look pretty.

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Hate must be used judiciously and with great caution. Nixon was not wrong when he said that hate you don't win unless you hate them, then you destroy yourself.

    Hate is corrosive, it is dangerous, and it is uncontrollable even in the most even-tempered hands.

    Anger is a good thing, but hate is something else altogether. It's not necessarily always 'wrong', but nine times out of ten it is.

  4. It gets very tiresome living in a state of rage. But society never gives up on denigrating me, and I'm not strong enough to let it roll off without some breaks.

  5. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Politics runs on hatred. And there is no more bitter hater than a leftist.

  6. This guy really does hit the emotional nail on the head. I was like that in high school and its infuriating. You develop these crushes (childish) on these women that you've been told are these romantic creatures, but then find out that their nature isn't even similar to that.

  7. Don't tell me who I can't hate

    btw I also hate Captcha lol

  8. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I LOVE HATE. Hate is my fuel for life. I could not survive without hating.

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM

    UNJUSTIFIED hatred is evil. Hating someone merely because their skin is black is evil. Hating you because your grandmother was Jewish is evil. Anger is good, but hatred should only be used against the most horrible parts of existence.
