Friday, July 26, 2013

Swab Their Mouths You Scallywags!

This is why you always always always swab *COUGH COUGH WHEEZE WHEEZE* "your" children's mouths for DNA testing to make sure it's actually "yours."

Stay frosty, boys.  Stay the freak frosty.


  1. It's a small blessing that the local news agency even bothered to cover the issue

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    One more thing captain to write about: Why should we let women have two choices: to work as a stay at home mom or to have a career ? If women fail in their career they will still look out for men to depend on, so they don't really fail. If no women fail, that's a tragedy for humanity, we will continue to give birth to poor people. Poor men leanrt to fail and get out of the game.

  3. I'm not seeing how a DNA test would have made any difference in this case.

    The state isn't going after him because they think he's the biological father. They know he isn't. They're going after him because he has deeper pockets.

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    No man's name should ever go on a birth certificate without a paternity test. It's a legal document. It has to be accurate.

  5. It would seem based upon this story
    that "swabbing the cheek" is a waste of time as the courts are not interested in who is or is not the biological father. They will
    reach into the deepest pocket as a matter of routine.

  6. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Wow. This is, like, mind blowingly evil, and it's just amazing it was allowed to happen. I mean, the male version would be a court ordering a woman to have sex with a guy because he liked her. It's just incredible this is allowed to happen, it's state ENFORCED cuckolding!

  7. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I believe its illegal to get a paternity test in France. They believe that fatherhood is a social contract not a genetic one so a wife's infidelity is irrelevant.

  8. This thread's probably dead, but I have an idea on paternity testing and I'd be curious to hear anyone's take on them.

    The idea:

    A response to the more rational criticisms:

    My take on a comment that helps to enlighten females on the problem of paternity:
