Friday, December 06, 2013

Alyssa Again

I know you guys hate her.  So out of sheer spite for my readership I shall post the latest pic.

Coincidentally you may purchase my books here, and for any of the lovely ladies that want to send in tastefully risque pics, I will send you all my books for free.  All of the lieutenants, economists, and agents in the field appreciate the WWII pin up girl.


  1. We do indeed. Keeps the morale up! A dose of Alyssa does make for a lovely Friday.

  2. Chester3:52 PM

    We hate her so much you should post more pics so we can hate her some more.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    This woman does not exist. This is a mirage. Women are overweight, overbearing and loud.

    She is beautiful, fit, and looks sweet. Therefore she can not possibly exist in real life.

    If she is real, is there a place where women like this exist? Certainly no where near where I live.

  4. The only improvement I can think of is Glorious Hat in place of that silly beret. Retakes at my place, any time.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hate her ? LOL you are being sarcastic right ? She is awesome.

    However, she will not make me buy your books. At best she will make people stare at her picture and distract them from your other posts.

    This is like free porn, people will just take the free stuff (her photo) and forfeit paying for stuff (your book).

    Maybe if you included really hot pictures of her as an appendage in your book people would be more inclined to buy your book.

  6. Alyssa needs Glorious Hat. And someone should point out to Karl that there's no ring on her finger. Just sayin'.

  7. coolstud6:53 PM

    damn she's sexy

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Has she finally finished that book?

  9. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Looking at Alyssa almost got me in trouble with my wife. My defense was that I go on your site for the articles, your subtle wit and profound insights into life ;-)

    I also told her that this is a men's site and that you needed some way of improving upon the number of peole who access your site.

  10. Why would I hate such a delightful creature? She's gorgeous. Over the past 3+ decades I have had the pleasure of
    the company of a number of women every bit as beautiful as her including a former Miss Montana and a former Miss Beirut. And my wife of 27 years, even though she is approaching 60 is still beautiful and routinely assumed to be in her early 40's. Women such as this are to be sought out, treasured and enjoyed. A real man is never in awe, fear or apprehension when in the company of such a winsome and adorable creature.

  11. Apollo2:56 AM

    Sarcasm Dan, it was sarcasm.

    Captain, more pictures of Alyssa please!
