Friday, December 27, 2013

Bachelor Pad Economics Proofed and Authorized

Just got the proof in the mail and figured now would be a good a time as any to show youse guys the cover.

It's going to be 5-7 business days until it's available on  Will let you know once it's officially available.

The thing is a MONSTER.  500 pages doesn't seem like 500 pages until you're holding it in your hands.  However, remember, you will NOT read the whole thing through.  It is a reference book for EVERY STAGE OF A MAN'S LIFE.  So, you know, the 14 year old kid would not be reading the chapter on End of Life Planning or 401k's.

Kindle version will also be available around the same time.

And I don't want to hear ANY complaints about price.  It's going to be $30.  And the reason I don't want to hear any complaints is that if I had this book when I was younger I would EASILY have had $500,000 more money than I do now.  The amount of mistakes you will avoid and wise decisions make by reading this book I would say LITERALLY make it worth it's weight in gold.

Finally, you cannot read Bachelor Pad Economics without having the below music playing in the background:


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Aruini and Roosh on the cover?

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Captain will there be any info and how this relates to Canada? we don't have 401k's we have RRSP's

  3. Well now I know where Aurini got his new Facebook icon.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    SHAG-art versions of Cap, Aurini and Roosh? Fucking exquisite.

  5. NormalGuy12:57 PM

    Lol, you, Aurini and Roosh sitting in a tree.

  6. Is that Roosh and Aurini in the background?

  7. no, that so isn't Roosh or Aurini on the cover.

    What are you crazy or soemthing?

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    god damn get your women to post semi-clad with it and it'll sell like hot-cakes

  9. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Roosh leaning in to the girl like a beta? That's low ;)

  10. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I'm looking forward to it!

  11. Anonymous10:09 PM

    can we get a table of contents before it hits the stores? (I'm 44 and not in the best financial sitch, damn unemployment stretch, so i'm happy to hear its not just for the young kids.)

    and i'll second the props on the Shag style cover, i love his work.

  12. Clarey After Dark: Guest Starring Davis Aurini and Roosh V

  13. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Aaron, what does the book actually cover? Aside from what I can infer from the title, of course.

  14. Jane the Grad Student10:30 AM

    I totally want this. Even though I'm a girl.

  15. I will purchase the paperback of this book immediately and review it.

    Can I pre-order?

  16. Arhibald8:30 AM

    Shiny cover, I like it.
    In other news, I'm going to be ordering it from Romania. Given that I'm only 23yo this should turn out to be quite an investment.
    Cheers mate, thank you for thine wisdom and a happy new yeat (Un an nou fericit!).

    hearts & kisezz

  17. Can I just say I'm jealous at how quickly you've written a book and made it available for purchase? I only discovered this blog a few months ago, at which point you were indicating a vague idea for a book. And now you've got another one finished.

    I've been working on my next book for well over a year now, editing and re-writing, and (God willing) have less than a year to go before I'm ready to publish. My writing is more improvisational and intuitive, which leads me to some odd structures grammatically and strange digressions (like that time I saw a cat over by the old warehouse, you know the one) but works for me.

    I know I'm just promoting myself with this comment, but I really wanted to say how impressed and inspired I am by your work. And I look forward to your new book, just like I've enjoyed "Enjoy the Decline", "Worthless" and "The Best of Captain Capitalism."

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.
