Thursday, December 05, 2013

Men, You're Fired

Some very good writing.  Don't agree with it all, but some outstanding observations.


  1. Sean M.6:41 AM

    " Women however were smart enough to realize that they're redundancy in the home could not stand and so they became workers, flooding the market with cheap labor. They did this because they could do it."

    Nope. I think it had much more to do with feminism and the fact that the cost of living with the 1970's inflation and all and with that all the taxes, etc was the reason the workplace was flooded with women. Besides the gov always needs more (tax) revenue.

  2. Sean M.6:47 AM

    "The role of the provider is not needed. Why aren't you listening to women? They don't need you. They've made that clear. Every time a woman utters a variation on the "men are useless" meme she is elucidating her own beliefs about men. And what are those beliefs? Did men suddenly stop being romantic, compassionate, and loving? No, men did not drop that part of themselves. What changed in recent decades is that women began to earn their own money. That's it. Now that they've done that they've declared the majority of the male sex as inferior, obsolete, and unnecessary. But men are still clinging to this model of manhood which does not exist and cannot exist in the modern world. Men are no longer providers for women.

    Ask yourself this question. If women truly are the romantic, pair bonding sex, then when the role of men as provider of the family was destroyed, what did women do? Did women turn to romance? Did they suddenly start finding romantic, caring, sensitive men attractive? Did women start looking at men for reasons other than financially? Or did they divorce their husbands, take their children, and write articles about the end of men?

    Men are under NO obligations to women or society. None. Women don't need you in that role. You're not needed to carry the species. Men are like workers who continue to show up at the factory years after it's been shut down. It's time to find a new identity. One you create for yourself.


  3. Giraffe11:12 AM

    Women need security. When the thin veneer of civilization starts to peel they will drop this strong independent crap really fast.

  4. Captain, I often find myself agreeing (in a kind of sad way) with many things you post, but I hope my growing daughters do find some good men out there who are as wonderful as their father. I'm raising my girls to be as anti-feminist as I can.
    Don't go, all of you! Please.

  5. Collector of Quotes, men are noticing in increasing numbers that frilly So-cons crack the same whip as flannel Feminists.

  6. Sean M.4:26 PM

    Hey Captain this post may require a post (re) by you.

    Why Men Don't Want To Have Kids
    By Stefan Molyneux

  7. Mr. Shrug:
    Maybe some do, but hopefully mine won't. I sure don't.
    You know what one of the best things is about my husband? He comes home every day and actually seems to want to. I don't take that for granted.
    p.s.: Flannel apparel is banned in our home . . .

  8. Anonymous9:14 PM

    @Collector of Quotes.

    Sorry, Mate. The shit's out of the horse - no putting back now.

    The laws make it impossible to commit to one of your lovely daughters - no matter how lovely they may be, they can still eviscerate us at will ...


  9. Take The Red Pill8:51 AM

    The Shrug said...
    Collector of Quotes, men are noticing in increasing numbers that frilly So-cons crack the same whip as flannel Feminists.

    It's been said somewhere that the only argument that 'frilly So-Cons' have with feminists is that they hold the (same) whip differently.

    Go Your Own Way -- and make feminism women's problem.
