Sunday, December 01, 2013

Professors Freaking Out About MOOC's

And they go to their crusaderist extreme to come up with the most bullshit of rationalizations as to why they're still relevant.

Sigh.  Clarissa needs to be a chancellor of a school. How much you want to bet she'd provide kids with a better education at a fraction of the cost?


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    What's funny is that in her "related" article about global warming she recommends doing something, anything! to stop the warming whether or not humans are causing it. If "something" isn't about adaptation (which we've been doing already since time immemorial), it's just futile, economy-killing busyness. Maybe hold off on that Chancellor appointment.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    For the 0.2% figure you quoted on the million dollar commission, it converts to 0.002 in decimal form; this might have helped your correspondent

    BTW, I have a question about the shaving gel-as-mousse question: Does it work when blow-drying hair? (For practical reasons, blow-drying is neccesary for me.)

  3. Thank you. :-) I wish our schools spent more money on actual teaching than on all of those useless "diversity officers" and "ethics officers" who spend their days inventing useless bureaucratic hoops for us to jump through in order to justify their existence.

  4. mothersmurfer1:59 PM

    What's a "MOOC"?

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Massively Open Online Courses. The entrenched Big Education Complex thinks this will spell the death of the university. Reality, there will always be a need for teachers to help struggling students, but for those who can catch the material, and for some blow-off courses, online will eliminate classrooms for this section of the pie. Think of the person with the core knowledge who needs the "ticket punch" of a degree or certificate saying he's accredited. Just take the online course and test out. Presto, HR now lets you advance.

  6. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Universities are organizations specifically designed to waste the time of talented people. Unfortunately many other organizations have the same character.

    I put it down to all the females which infest the workplace, which then ceases to be a place for work,

    The place for women is in the home.

  7. Amethyst10:53 PM

    I dunno about Clarissa. She says in another article that the only thing that can boost global wages is for the government to give out "freely available contraception." When people start talking about the government giving out "free stuff" (which ain't free--WE the workers have to pay for it--) I start getting suspicious. She also has nothing to say about the government policies which flood the workplace with legal and illegal immigrants and women in government supported makework jobs. (THAT'S what's driving wages down, not the anti-contraception dronings of some pope whom most people don't listen to anyway, judging by the number of Catholics who practice birth control.) Clarissa sounds like a leftist leftie to me....

  8. NormalGuy3:00 AM

    Amethyst, she's a leftist lefty feminist in reality, who grasped some core capitalistic ideals but still sticks to her feminist shoeshine.
