Thursday, December 26, 2013

Women Who Have Horses are Psychotic


not that you didn't know....

women who love horses are mentally deranged and are damaged goods. They love animals more than they love their fellow human being, and would rather ride a horse than have a husband or tend to their children.  Now you can add, "love their horses more than their country" in France.

It is getting very difficult to defend women's suffrage.


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It's worse than that.

    Mothers who love cats love them more than their husbands or children.

    My mother was a cat worshipper and everytime she left, she gave me an endless list of what to do about her cats and she was especially controlling and tyrannical about it.

    I'm sure that had there been a fire in the house that she would have chosen to save her cats and let me die, LOL !

    Her cats were more important than me her son.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    If a woman likes cute little animals, wouldn't it be because she has a great wellspring of love and joy that she is willing to spread to her fellow humans?...

    Is something I would have said before I got a taste of reality. While a small percentage of women are like what I described above, I hate to admit that many, if not most, do love their animals more than people. Its about control - not love.

  3. I work with a woman who has horses and I can't honestly agree with you enough!
    Even her 6 year old daughter is showing signs of going that way.
    Every freaking day she comes into work and goes on about her children (just to remind us she's a MOTHER who's choosing to work) but she doesn't know where her daughter's attitude comes from (apparently treats mummy and daddy like servants), yet anyone who has sat next to her hearing her opinions about other people realise she believes herself to be better than everyone around her, which is what her daughter has to have picked up.
    This particular woman is hopeless at her job, but in my STEM industry women are picked first because our companies are desperately trying to 'balance the genders'.
    The sad truth is that below average female graduates will get 3-4 job offers on graduation and only top-tier male ones will get even one.
    If women like the one I mentioned above are the future of my industry, then women can HAVE the damn industry!

  4. So the French men did not only die for their women in the First WW, but also for the horses?

    Damn, what an oppressive manfolk that is.

  5. Uncle Bob proclaims that women are socialists and fascists by nature.

    If so, the idea of those rat bastard fwench commies eating their own...brings a smile to my face...

    I love horses myself and I really hate to say this because I have met A LOT of horse women...and yeah, the vast majority of them have screws loose. This is not just a silly joke the boys are making. There will be exceptions to that but they will be few and far between.

  6. Pete Brewster4:41 AM

    Protip, Captain---the horseback riding lessons are just the cover story bored rich Frenchwomen use to get alpha male D behind their husbands' backs. Basically the French state has been subsidizing their carousel rides.

    Leave the horses out of it. They have more dignity than most women.

  7. Ermmm ... link is about horses, yes, but not about women ditching family for pets. Just equestrians protesting a triple VAT inflicted on them as an anti-rich-person luxury tax.

    Just having a post holiday random association day?

    Not that there is anything wrong with that ...

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Ah, I see you have met my sister-in-law!

  9. What about Danica Patrick?
    She rides several hundred horses every race.

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Horse bitches are to be avoided at ALL costs, less they decide you should be a gelding!

  11. Dan Lavatan4:33 PM

    They women are objecting to a tax increase, and you would have to be the first conservative/libertarian to argue more tax increases are in the interest of France, let alone any other country.

    Many patriots such as Boston-area silversmith Paul Revere owned horses.

    I'd bet on the sanity of a horse owning self-sufficient rural woman over an urban Prius jockey any day.

  12. Anonymous12:20 PM

    That is funny !! So sorry you have had nothing but bad experiences with women.

  13. Anonymous5:17 PM

    It's interesting that there are 700,000 riding "instructors" and only 2.3 million riders (I'm pretty sure they are counting them twice). That's about 2.3 real "riders" per instructor. This does not really seem like a viable industry with less that 3 customers per business owner. Sounds more like they are trying to subsidize an expensive hobby by claiming to be instructors. I think I have zero sympathy for anyone involved.
