Saturday, December 14, 2013

You Can Tell A Lot About A Country Based on Who Attends Which Funerals

When the Spice girl's get more of an attendance at their funerals than Winston Churchill then you know the last nail was put in the coffin of Western Civilization.


  1. Donttreadonmatt12:24 PM

    As the great George Carlin said: "Life is a ticket to the freak show, and life in America is a front row seat."

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Spice girls are throwing a funeral? Who died?

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "Life is a ticket to the freak show"

    I don't recall having bought nor even asked for the ticket.

    I understand the universe may offer a freak show and may want to hand out tickets to individuals.

    But I should not be forced to attend the show. I should have a say and I should have the right to say NO and indefinitely pass my turn.

    In addition to have the right to opt out from the freak show, I should also have the right to modify this opt out into an opt in and force to universe to wait until I feel like attending the freak show before I'm handed a ticket.

    Being forced into an unwanted existence is coercive, it is inititation of force, it is against libertarianism.

    Life, as we know it, stems from an initiation of force, it is coerced into existence.

    The foundation of life is violence, force, coercion and brutality.

    How can Libertarians pretend to be able to erect a tall and sturdy building of freedom, liberty and peace when the foundation is violence, coercion, brutality, tyranny and force ?

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "But I should not be forced to attend the show"

    "Being forced into an unwanted existence is coercive, it is inititation of force, it is against libertarianism"

    Do keep in mind that you can opt out of this "initiation of force" at your leisure.
