Thursday, January 09, 2014

Again, Mike Rowe is a Cool Guy

You want an inside, behind the scenes story about Mike Rowe that shows you what he's like off-screen?  Well, look no further.

We should get Mike Rowe to run for president.  Of course, that would require the Republican party to get it's head out of its ass and not nominate another connected blue-blood millionaire.

You can find the Real Mike Rowe here.


  1. Just came across that article, too. I'm one of the many who added Mike to my FB list after that idiotic attempted hit piece on him. Not that I didn't like him much before - to the contrary, he's someone I have long respected for several reasons - it's just that I didn't realize he was on FB at all, not being much of a Zuckerbergian, myself.

    Good article on a great guy.

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Several years ago I went to the Discovery Channel's website and found the Dirty Jobs forum, where fans could talk to Mike Rowe - he really did show up there to talk to them, although most of them were women oohing and ahhing over how haught and secksy he was. (Nothing like a little fame to make the average Joe sexy, eh?)

    Anyway, I made some comments and questions directed at Mike - I kinda cornered him and asked why the vast majority of jobs he showcased were done by men... was the Discovery Channel sexist or something? Surely in our equal society, women must be doing as many dirty jobs as men... what's up with the inequality?

    Lol! He gave a pretty good reply to me, saying that he acknowledged most dirty jobs were done by men... but, given the political environment and how it might affect his career, it was best for him not to comment too deeply on the subject. (I don't blame him for that).

    Anyway, it was kinda cool, I'd never talked to a "celebrity" before, and he came off as a highly intelligent man, although, he apparently has a degree in English or something in humanities, so... there are some knocks against him too.

  3. Take The Red Pill7:50 AM

    "...He gave a pretty good reply to me, saying that he acknowledged most dirty jobs were done by men... but, given the political environment and how it might affect his career, it was best for him not to comment too deeply on the subject..."

    A man I can respect! Diogenes can put out his lamp!
    Sadly, he could NEVER make it as a politician today (and that's too bad!) -- he is much too straightforward and honest!
