Monday, January 27, 2014

Why You Should Stay in the Military

For our boys and girls in the armed services.


  1. I wouldn't touch the military with a ten foot pole. Or police work either.

    Political correctness has wreaked havoc in both fields. A retiring general recently did a stellar piece about how the military is now a 'four gendered train wreck' and how the command structure has been thoroughly rotted out with affirmative action. Would you want to get into a fire fight with a petite woman on your six? One that can't do three chin ups? Would you want to be on a battleship drag racing your ship as the lesbian Captain almost crashes it into another ship captained by a queer?

    The Old Boys Club is gone. It has been replaced by The New Girls Club. This is a recent development too, the results aren't even being felt yet. Give it another five years and you will have the military that America's liberals want and deserve.

  2. ... *chuckle* You're funny. I can tell you've never been in the military or law enforcement. And that is a good thing.

    Oh, and btw, I'm glad to see the " old boys club " fade into a memory. Did nothing for anyone but " old boys ".

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    As a Vet I actively discourage males from entering the military, especially the army and marines. . . as females migrate to the front lines the male soldiers risk goes up considerably . . . Making them little more than "politically correct fodder" for feminists and the dullards in Washington.

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Another vet here. Served in the Air Force. Even not being on the front lines, all I have to say is I wasn't willing to die for the central banksters in some random mortar attack, let alone what the marines and army must deal with. I've been out only a year and have already seen one buddy of mine who is still in have to face a false rape accusation. The military has been conquered by the PC police and there is no sign of it getting better any time soon. This is sad because in a lot of ways I do miss being in the Air Force. However, these days I think the best service young men can do for the military is to not join up. Let the prissy little bitches and feminists get slaughtered on the front lines and learn for themselves what men exist for. Afterwards maybe the survivors could stop falsely accusing men of rape just to save face from the boyfriends they don't give a shit about cheating on anyways.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Someone must have switched your ¨red¨ pill with your ¨blue¨ pill.

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I sure wish I'd stayed in the military. If I did 30 years, I'd have been retired for 8 years now and making some serious "F@ck You" money. (That's when you have a civilian job and you tell the boss FU, I'm working because I want to, not because I have to.)

    When I got out, Carter was still President and the polls said he was going to get his second term. Then Reagan happened.

  7. Anonymous1:25 AM

    I'm no vet nor a US citizen. But consider this: why would any male want to put his life on the line for a system that sees him a non-entity, only useful to be exploited?
