Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Land War With Russia"

The problem I face with the Crimea is that it is not a clear cut situation and there are very few outlets telling me what is going on and more importantly why.  Steve Sailer comes to the rescue and provides more insight than average.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This is all we need to know about Crimea.


  2. The tail is wagging the dog here.

    All of these "color" revolutions are aimed at countries that are trying to get out from under petro-dollar hegemony, including the neo-nazi led coup in Ukrainia.

    ( to their credit, they are starting to shoot the Svoboda neo-nazis, since they ain't useful anymore


    The retards calling the shots think everything is about money. The very first thing they did was try to freeze Visa/Mastercard access against Russians they don't like.

    All they did was prompt Putin to start an in Russia credit card system ( Pro100 ), and begin talks to get it accepted by the BRICS countries ( Brazil, China, Russia, India, South Africa ), who are also trying to get out from under the dollar.

  3. Left a link for your book in my last post as well.

    I consider it an important read.

  4. Torgo2:13 PM

    This was good work from Sailer. Crimea is Putin's revenge for Kosovo, as it is for everyone who opposed the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. I thought at the time that that sickening spring of humanitarian bombing was a turning point in history, and now the chickens have come home to roost. I know it was a turning point in my life when the deafening silence from the allegedly anti-war Left was witnessed by me in the leftist hotbed of Ithaca, NY. In spring 1999 there was not a single public anti-war protest from the hordes of rabid Bush-protestors, but they came out in winter 2003, I can assure you. I surely earned an FBI file for what I wrote in the local newspaper that March 1999, but I was utterly alone there in my opposition to this world-historical crime.

    I seriously haven't been this happy in a long time. A man with a logical mind and an iron will is among us and he is eating our enemies for breakfast. Both the neocons and the leftists among us are shitting themselves. We need a man like him on our side so I look forward to Obama bowing to Putin's will to form a true Northern Alliance so we can trade with each other and tell the degenerates in the Middle East to pound sand and go die.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Quote: "In 2008, Russia invaded the former Soviet republic of Georgia ... "

    Oh my, the contrary is true. This Masha Gessen is from the propagandy ministery. A very crude (and hopelessly unrealistic) view of Putin and Russia. But she's probably a reflection of present day beltway foreign policy capabilities - or better said: the lack thereof. Incompetence scares me.

  6. Anonymous7:08 PM

    So! Notice has been taken that something is going on in the world! Sailer's article has some truth to it but it ignores the depth of the situation. The great David Goldman has written much more insightfully:

    To get anywhere in understanding Russia it is a good idea to read a biography of Ivan the Terrible, then of Peter the Great (Robert Massie's biography is accessible). And of course "The Russian Origins of the First World War" is essential, if difficult. For an essential background on Orthodox Christianity (yes, Russia is Christian but very different from us) try "Dancing Alone" by Frank Schaeffer.

    I must however offer a caution to the twat-munching himbo: reading history is ha-a-a-r-d.

  7. As an anti-feminist it never occurs to me to criticize countries that fight feminism.

  8. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The situtation there is as simple as it gets. It's just the USA is far away and it's a common american feature to not give a fuck about everything that isn't US-related. Also, westerners seem to be physically unable to understand Putin. Too much of a culture difference, I guess. Cap, here is an exlusive insight from your russian reader:

    On a grand scale, Putin is a Hitler wannabe. Hitler considered the defeat in WWI a national disaster for Germany, and claimed his mission to return its glory by "gathering" (conquering) all neighboring lands that ever was under German rule. Putin consider the fall of the Soviet Union a national disaster for Russia, and claims his mission is to return its glory by "gathering" all ex-soviet lands.

    On a smaller scale, Putin is a medieval robber baron/modern street thug. All those overcomplicated smart-ass analysises of his actions (like linked in the post) treat him as a scheming Machiavellian politician, which is bullshit. Putin's mind doesn't operate with such concepts. He's a thug, the only thing he considers is who is stronger and who is able to fuck over whom. Ukraine was weakened by civil unrest, so he saw this as an opportunity to fuck them over. That's all to it.

    Special mention about current russian propaganda and golden mean fallacy: Everything russian media, politics and diplomats now say about the situation in Crimea and Ukraine is a complete, 100% lie. Every single word of it. It's like, when jews argue that pogroms happened, and jew-haters reply that jews drink blood of the christian newborns - that's not two sides having an argument with truth lying somewhere in between, that's truth vs lie. Thus, the words of the official Kremlin is a good source of information about the subject - you just need to hear them and conclude the opposite.

  9. "Special mention about current russian propaganda and golden mean fallacy: Everything russian media, politics and diplomats now say about the situation in Crimea and Ukraine is a complete, 100% lie. Every single word of it. It's like, when jews argue that pogroms happened, and jew-haters reply that jews drink blood of the christian newborns - that's not two sides having an argument with truth lying somewhere in between, that's truth vs lie. Thus, the words of the official Kremlin is a good source of information about the subject - you just need to hear them and conclude the opposite."

    I don't disagree that Putin is a thug. However, look at it from the Russian point of view. We've extended NATO to countries on their border, and now we're going to pull Ukraine out of their orbit? I mean, it's easy to sit here between our oceans and talk about freedom and democracy, but Russia's been invaded three times in the past 200 years, and the last time they lost 25 million.

    I don't blame the Ukrainians for wanting to go Western and be rid of Putin and his corrupt puppets. The history's also pretty bad--Stalin starved something like 3-7 million Ukrainians in a famine, so it's rather like Israel trying to get free of a hypothetical Germany where Hitler had been replaced by, say, Franco.

    Geopolitics is complex and has no clear heroes and clear answers. But we really don't need to be getting into a war with Russia over this.

  10. JoeAmerica11:42 AM

    I personally am not up to current speed but did have some dealings in Kyiv several years ago, so I will give my opinion.

    Its like the physical closeness Puerto Rico with the military bases and resortness of Hawaii. Its like Puerto Rico wanting to be the 51st states but some don't want it, then Russia jumps in. How would the US populace react? And what military options could Russia actually succeed with?

    You have to remember Russia is slightly more capable than the goat herders in Afghanistan. Crimea is in there back yard.

    You have no argument with me about Russia's bullshit. But Putin is no moron, like our recent president Bush.

    However Ukraine does not like Russia meddling and f-ing with them. Yet they are not like Hungry or Check for instance as they never really bought into communism. Socially the differences are huge on so many levels between these more western countries and Ukraine. So when you try to look at it through our American lens your going to be significantly off.

    I remember talking to an America guy who had been living in Ukraine for about 5 years, this was 11 years ago, he said Ukrainians don't get mad about anything, they really need to get mad about stuff more.

  11. JoeAmerica7:00 AM

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who severed under Regan talks about this in depth. I remember who strange it was when Ukrainian language was mandated it seem rather strange and pointless as everyone spoke Russian.

    I am not sure how the Noble peace prize works when you start WWIII
