Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Resident Mom of the Manosphere

Do you need a hug?  Need some motherly love?  A mama-bear that will shred anybody that dares hurts her little ones?  Perhaps somebody who will give you some digital pampering over the internet when you're sick with the flu?

Well everybody needs a surrogate mom and we here in the Manosphere are lucky to have several.  One of them is Suzie of AVFM fame and I was lucky enough to meet her.

She had been blogging at Shiny Pearls of Something, but then the untimely death of her husband and family medical issues forced her to go on a hiatus.

Now a lot of you already know Suz, but I think it would be kind if we all said hello to Suz here and give her a little love as she runs ragged driving cross country.  She will return, but in the meantime any kind words of support and thanks in the comment section would go a long way (also telling her she doesn't look a day over 32 goes a long way I found).


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Hi Suz! I haven't been following AVfM all that much lately but, you are a highlight.About your appearance, clean living agrees with you. All the best!

  2. Good to see you, Suz. Godspeed.


  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Just popping by to say thanks to the both of you for making so much sense all the time, and then making it all available for free too. You've both made a big difference in my life and it is cool to see you in the same shot.

    Sue, I especially liked your letter from a mom - it was a hard hitter and rang true. I hope that some young women read it too.

    Thanks for all that you do.

  4. Suz - again, my condolences. It just delights me to no end that you made good on your promise to have lunch with Cappie. I've kept Pearls on my blogroll, hope you revive it some day. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Suz, did Cappy refer to you as "Mama Bear"? You do have enough furriness on the top of your head to cover the little round ears.

  6. Good to hear from you again, Suz. Hope you come back to the blogosphere soon.

  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Suz, this thread should have blown up at Cappy's call for support. Maybe the guys are shy or into the "dismal science". Anyway, you're more that all right. Glad that you were able to fulfil your promisr and take him to lunch.

  8. Man oh man, did I ever need this after another crazy day! Thank you, My Captain, and everyone else. Things are starting to look brighter...

  9. Victoria10:31 PM

    Suz, All I could think when I saw your photograph was that the Captain looks the same age as you. He obviously respects you, and he doesn't lightly hand out kudos. Good luck; God bless.
