Friday, May 09, 2014

Death to the Hipster Beard Fad

You mean Seth Rogen wasn't cool after all?

The "Bearded Community" did not respond well to being pointed out for the faux hipsters they are.

Oh well, looks like hipsters will have to find something else that doesn't take effort, but they'll somehow wear as a badge of honor which thankfully makes it easy for us to know who not to hire.


  1. Shaving. Why would you want to look like a 12 year old boy?

    There is something sick in that.

  2. Celtic Tiger Dad5:10 PM

    Very funny article! My wife and I both laughed out loud.

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "looks like hipsters will have to find something else that doesn't take effort"

    not bathing?

  4. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Hipster ... That word still doesn't mean anything to me considering everyone's definition of it is completely different.

  5. TroperA11:23 PM

    And now the hipsters are going on the warpath, it seems:

    So the lefties are all gung ho about immigration and population replacement---until white people start replacing the population of "colorful neighborhoods" (their words.) Did I mention that the white tech workers are San Fran's main source of tax revenue? And that if they get booted out, there will be no govt. money to fund the "illegal alien outreach sanctuaries"?

  6. rocksteady3:31 PM

    I love my beard. Keeps me nice and warm on the mountain and makes me look more manly (I have a bit of a feminine face). Hate hate hate that beards became associated with those hipster pussies. Hopefully they'll stop growing them and leave 'em for the masculine among us.

  7. I don't get beards, especially now that so many young, virile guys aren't getting squat for intimate female companionship for years and years at a time, due to our widespread soft polygamy. After all, there's a very real risk in making your mouth look like a woman's nether regions. Now, if you WANT those angry incels to, ah, make a mistake, well, that tells us LOTS about you... ;)
