Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Nothing Good Comes from Naropa University

Thanks to one of my agents in the field to brought this to my attention.

While I highlighted Naropa for being the perfect leftwing, self-blowing school that offered the most concentrated group of worthless degrees, understand that there is a correlation between mentally deficient and weak people and worthless masters programs.  And like strippers, you can almost bet a worthless degree will lead to problems in the future.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm infinitely embarrassed to admit that I once requested an application for graduate studies at Naropa … may God have mercy on my soul ...

  2. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Not just Naropa, nothing good comes from Boulder.

  3. Stryker4:02 PM

    Butoh= made up bullshit from a once great but now dominated and derivative culture.

    Why do white women(often of Jewish or English extraction) become enamored with gurus from the East? Look at the videos of various Indian swami's (Sai Baba comes to mind) and there are always white middle aged women in them.

  4. Dr. Dan3:11 PM

    But strippers make the best temporary girl-friends...

  5. just some guy4:38 PM

    Basic presumption of story. Women dont have agency. If people accept that as true, then why are they allowed to vote? If they do have agency, then lets not blame others for their choices.
