Friday, May 09, 2014

Please Tell Me This is Fake

Please please please please please.

I don't think my brain can accept people this stupid, let alone have to rethink new strategies on how to deal with a society populated with such.


  1. monster2211:30 AM

    Its either fake, the dude has no business having any opinions or he rationalized so hard while writing it that he stroked out on us. Im going with the latter.

  2. orion1:47 AM

    Well, personally, envisioning a society made up of such people, I would get a club and practice.

  3. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Poe's law, bro.

  4. I think most people are pretty stupid, but I have discovered that no matter how stupid I think they are, they are at least ten times that stupid.

  5. I think a good protection strategy would be to print up tons of phony EBT cards and if you are surrounded by zombies just "accidently" scatter a bunch on the ground. Make your escape while the zombies are tearing each other apart to get to the cards.

  6. DrTorch6:53 AM

    I'm pretty sure it's a gag.

  7. Usagi Yojimbo7:34 AM

    I wish it waa. But I am forced to accept the fact that feminists are illiterate, idiotic, and, apparently, schizophrenic.

    It would be so much easier to engage in a debate with a rational, cogent human. But, nooooo, they have to be stupid AND batshit insane.

    Screw it, I'm grabbing a few good bottles of scotch, firing up the grill, and sit back and watch the damned world burn.

  8. Well, along the lines of stupidity, HuffPost yesterday had an article about a poor guy on disability who didn't have enough money for food after he'd paid his rent, water, electricity, gas, and cable TV bill.

    And nobody was calling him on the fact that in their world, apparently cable TV is a necessity. It seems pretty clear how Obama got elected, to put it mildly.

  9. sth_txs6:15 PM

  10. Ladd MaccAodh6:55 PM

    It's fake. Part of a series of mock "I need feminism" counter-memes, mostly originating from Reddit, 4chan, and some of the other image-friendly boards out there. Other notable ones say things like "I need feminism because equality is not enough, I want control" or "I need feminism because how else is a middle-class white child of privilege supposed to claim oppression?"

    That said, the meme it's mocking is not much better, but then that's how you recognize good satire.

  11. Thank you very much for the link!

    I can't tell if it's real or satire. I'm going with satire because the alternative is unthinkable.

    When I posted it, I assumed it was satire. Because "done a Hitler" is brilliant.
