Monday, July 14, 2014

Feminist Librarian Discovers "Bachelor Pad Economics"

And all hell breaks loose.

You can purchase your copy of Bachelor Pad Economics, and thus advance the patriarchy and peeve lefty feminist librarians, here.


  1. mothersmurfer6:50 PM

    The comments are precious! As the good Captain says, "HAR!"

  2. The comments on that site are comedy gold

  3. I love how she said she won't let it be at the library. Because it's not like libraries should be about having access to different ideas or ways of thinking. I'm just the fat cat lady didn't burn it.

    1. I guess it's a good thing that brick-and-mortar libraries in the digital age are about as relevant as telephone operators are to long-distance phone calls.

      Hibner's review might have been readable if she had bothered to address the book's points on their actual merits. But that would have involved logic and critical thought processes, two things anyone connected with feminism lacks in their cerebral armory.

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM


    I LOVE IT!

    The webpage is full of stupid feminist asswipes who cannot stand this wonderful book.

    My stomach is ripping apart from laughter reading the reactions of these dumb broads.

    I love you, tom leykis and paul elam. You guys are amazing.

    Lets keep ripping a new assholes in these feminist douches and make sure that MGTOW and mens movement get bigger and better

  5. Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me, Captain.

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    the comments are pure gold!

  7. TroperA8:06 PM

    Oh the comments section is glorious butthurt aplenty. With our children's larnin' in the hands of such competent people, I'm sure our nation has a glorious future ahead of it!

  8. BachelorLibrarian8:10 PM

    The comments are the gift that keep on giving;
    Cap, you must be so proud.

    (And for the record, I did buy it, and have convinced perhaps a dozen young men to follow suit)

  9. Anticipating a feminist rating backlash, I have rated the ratings via the helpful and not helpful meta ratings they give. Amazon does weigh the star ratings by the meta ratings.

  10. I just finished reading the book and the funny thing to me is the number of things these women claimed were in the book that I apparently completely overlooked. Hmm. I am a pretty strong reader and a pretty perceptive guy, wonder where all that stuff was?

  11. Another way for commie stupidities run amok. Femissars.

  12. Anonymous11:40 PM

    It's so amusing when they say "he must not have a girlfriend, and lives in his mother's basement."

    And they compared it to Elliot Rogers manifesto? Lol. Talk about over reaction.

  13. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Right when people were making sound arguments for the book the comments get closed

    How convenient

  14. Drive-By Commenter2:56 AM

    @Previous Anonymous,

    Somone even compared the book to Mein Kampf. LOLOLOL!

  15. As some other commenters observed, the comments in that article are precious. I don't think you'll find a bigger crowd of hamsters in a pet store. But maybe... just maybe... some young guy will secretly dare to wander off the plantation and read this and other recommended blogs and realize he has been lied to his entire life and is still being lied to.

  16. Hey Aaron,

    according to these "librarians" you live in your mothers basement with your small penis and write Elliot Roger style manifestos.


  17. Do a screen save of those comments, Cap.

    I bought one of Glenn Beck's books years ago. On the back were comments just like that - by feminist intellectuals (HAR HAR HAR!) like Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donut and other clucky harridans.
    Those comments will help your sales if used as endorsements.

  18. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "This might actually be the very worst book that has ever appeared on ALB. At least when you factor in its publication date. This is going to give me a headache that lasts all day!
    -A female liberal arts major who has never had a friend pretend to be a former boss in order to cover a gap in employment"

    This girl definitely should get that checked out by a medical professional...

  19. Phil Galt6:44 AM

    The hamsters are strong in that group....

  20. And now that you've linked to their site... "Comments are closed" as of 14 July.

  21. I don’t know, Cap. Maybe they (sort of) have a point. You got pretty absolutist in BPE, I remember thinking it many times when I read it. Not that I disagree with any of the things you wrote, but statements like “Women are incapable of managing their finances” kind of push the “sage, uncomfortable advice” over into “Mad Men” territory.

    I’ve always thought this about your writing, and if I had one critique, it is that you’re way too black and white about things that aren’t black and white at all. Not that I get too bunched up about it, but some people are thin skinned, you know?

    My wife is an excellent money manager. So I know that your statement is patently untrue. And to be honest, I can understand why a woman who is not a shitty money manager would be tempted to tell you to go fuck yourself for writing that (I can also imagine a woman who is a shitty money manager getting pissed about it, too, but fuck her).

    “Women, as a whole, tend to be poor money managers” is a statement that I can get behind. It is a true statement that doesn’t spring the bounds of hyperbole like your actual statement did. It would make your writing more credible, because guys like me wouldn’t be stopped five or six times a chapter, thinking “Well, I know for a fact that that isn’t true…” and then wondering how many other untruths are in there that we’re missing.

  22. Reason #612 for why to work for yourself: So you can read comment threads like the one at the link and not have to explain your helpless laughter to the worker drones nearby.

  23. Goober,

    You are 100% right.

    The problem I face is that I can't always be providing caveats when adult readers (or at least mature readers) should know that what I say does not universally apply to everybody.

    Second, my books, especially BPE, are NOT political books wishing to make adroit, polite arguments.

    They are instructional books, of which I wish to keep succinct and to the point as much as possible to save the reader's time and maximize the information they receive.

    Ergo, why I will stand by my statement that women are bad money managers (most of them are), women don't like sex as much as men, women who don't like lingerie have intimacy issues because

    most of the time it's true.

    My goal is not to spare the feelings of women, but to help men. And it's about freakign time somebody did so in a manly manner.

  24. Congrats Captain!

    The comments are wonderful. I can imagine most the commenters have pony tails. Maybe even the female commenters too.

    It is a shame liberal feminist groupthink will block all those people from reading your book. I guess you can't help everybody.

    And comments are closed now. Typical liberals.

  25. Boss Hawg Jones5:28 PM

    Books are sacred, but can we burn librarians instead?

    Roscoe, get Cletus to start loading that dump truck with firewood, it's Book Bannin' Bitches Burnin' Day!

    It's gonna be a Library Emancipation Day here in Hazzard County! :-)
