Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Case for Impeaching Obama

I would say the IRS scandal would be enough, but there are other reasons as well.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I don't even have to click the link. It doesn't matter what the case is. Without a 2/3 Republican majority in the Senate, Obama will finish his term and do whatever the heck he wants until then. It's about votes, not law.

    And if the Republicans had that many votes, he would have never been re-elected. Obama is in office because half the American voters are dumber than a box of hammers.

    1. Not to mention he is also in office because of guilt-ridden white Liberals.

  2. Best reason not to impeach:
    "President Biden"

  3. sth_txs4:18 PM

    You want a bunch of criminals to impeach a fellow of theirs? Come'on man!

  4. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Obama will be done in by his own hubris. His lies will eventually catch up with him. If they aren't already bubbling up just beneath the fractured surface. The worst thing for a narcissist is having to face the truth as his lies are exposed or all to see. The shame, will be unbearable and the mental breakdown crushing. It's always better to tell the truth and fly among the angles then, to tell lies an crawl among the demons.

  5. Sorry Captain, but the big problem isn't Obama. It's the electorate that put him in the Oval Office twice.
