Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why Stephen Smith is Proof Men Need to Ignore Political Correctness

Let me be brief.

We here in this "hate-filled," "mysoginistic," blabbity-blah-blah-freaking-blah sphere of the internet known as the Manosphere, are about the only "baseline" of reality and sanity that exists.

We don't have the billions of dollars that the MSM has.

We don't have the TRILLIONS of dollars that the government has.

But we have something that trumps them all.  And that is the god damned truth.

And when push comes to shove the people are going to be desperately searching for the truth.

And Stephen Smith DARED to speak about it.

Here's the deal men (and any women capable of intellectual honesty).

If you can't speak honestly, truthfully, and realistically about what is happening in society without getting:


Then there is no society worth fighting for.  And that's the plain truth.  If you can't speak your honest, truth-adhereing mind without getting punished, then that society is over with and no longer worth fighting for.

So what are you going to do about it?

The reality is that this backlash and predisposition against the truth comes from the left.  I don't hear any conservatives, libertarians or tea partiers demanding the heads, firings and suspensions of people for speaking their minds.  It is SOLELY THE MONOPOLY of the left that comes in with the political correctness and DEMANDS people be fired for exercising their first amendment rights or having independent thought.

So let's see if Stephan Smith, who is black and that DOES play a role in this, starts to appreciate the a-racists (meaning non-racist) defense of his right to merely point out the truth?

Because the sooner everybody realizes, regardless of their skin, that it's the socialists (euphemistically called "democrats") that will throw anybody under the bus to gain power, the better this country is going to be.

In the meantime, enjoy that freaking decline.


  1. Ras Al Ghul10:14 AM

    He made the mistake of apologizing

  2. "It is SOLELY THE MONOPOLY of the left that comes in with the political correctness and DEMANDS people be fired for exercising their first amendment rights or having independent thought."

    Ridiculous. The Right has been complicit with feminism, Goddess Equality, and so on for many decades.

    Here's just ONE example I ran across today, from a flagship voice of the Right, The Federalist magazine.

    The Righties/Repubs are just more cunning than the libpunks about their gyno-grovelling. The Federalist piece, for example, appears as a takedown of feminism. But examined carefully, it's a covert validation of the fundamental tenets of the modern vaginocracy.

    All the usual lies --

    "It is no small feat, after all, to reverse several millennia’s worth of systematic oppression and discrimination, and the women’s rights campaigns of the 19th and 20th centuries are some of the crown jewels of Western civilization"

    The 'crown jewells' of western civ is the feminist movement, which finally, FINALLY removed the steel toed boot of The Evil Males from the pore darlings' necks, after they'd suffered millennia of Oppression and Discrimination at the calloused hands of the Bad Gender.

    Or --

    "The early Western feminist movements generally possessed a nobility and righteousness that rendered the ideology both powerful and admirable."

    Yeah. Nobility and righteousness, right outta the snake's mouth. The matriarchy doesn't even need the Left anymore. They've got the Right locked up and locked down.

    How about --

    "Political and social equality between the sexes is one of the most worthwhile and noble goals to which a society can aspire"

    More malevolence, re-branded as 'nobility' by yet another Conservative-in-a-skirt.

    Femerica is 'SOLELY THE MONOPOLY' of the Left? Puh leeze. Half the truth is worse than none at all.

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    While I wouldn't fire someone for speaking out per se, anyone with socialist views shows poor judgment and should not be given more responsibility. I would probably fire them first in any downsizing as well. I encourage anyone else in our faction to do the same.

  4. vandiver496:25 AM

    1. Though he did apologize, he's gone off script so many times that he's decided to take his talents to satellite radio.

    2. In an amazing coincidence, Whoopi Goldberg also agree with him.

  5. I don't know about you, but here in the Deep South my Facebook feed is filled with Gawd-fearing, gun-toting, self-identifying conservatives roundly condemning both Ray Rice and Stephen A. Smith. Haven't seen a single word even remotely supporting the notion that the woman might have even been partially at fault. My point being that there is no longer any real difference between "conservatism" and "liberalism". As somebody in the manosphere recently pointed out (can't remember who, maybe it was C.C.), when liberalism becomes mainstream, conservatism is simply the conserving of the status quo of liberalism. I see lots of that in my neck of the woods. Unprincipled "Go team" politics as I like to call it.

  6. sth_txs4:23 PM

    I'd love to take most of my fellow 'Mericans, particularly the left but many on the right, round them up on train cattle cars and send them to a concentration camp.

    Sounds harsh, but even the right is complicit in this slave system. Many of them claim to be Christians.

    But yes, I've flat out told friend's older parents that your left wing voting makes me glad I never bothered joining the military since you don't have life or property I would even care about defending.

  7. Torgo5:59 PM

    "I've flat out told friend's older parents that your left wing voting makes me glad I never bothered joining the military since you don't have life or property I would even care about defending."

    That's poetry, sth_txs. And my conscience is clear knowing that I've never asked nor encouraged anyone to sell themselves into slavery to defend this wasteland.
