Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Feminism and Feminists Are Doomed to Failure

My latest piece at ROK.


  1. I have conflicting opinions on this. On the one hand, you're correct that feminism isn't making women happy and clearly it goes against 3 billion years of evolution.

    On the other hand, I see no end to the media lies and white knights/betas. As long as there are enablers, I think the product keeps selling.

  2. Oh, feminism will continue on, but the individual is ruined.

  3. It took 70 years for the Soviet Union to collapse. If it takes half that time for feminism and modern liberalism to implode, that will be too long.

  4. The Plague Doctor3:35 PM

    Feminism will be completely dead in 2028 (the Fempocalypse). Remember, you read it here first.
