Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Single Mom's Ministry!"

Well, be it "Jesus," "Obama" or "The State," long as it isn't a real man that holds them to standards, but just "forgives," doesn't judge, and just hands out money.

As the Patron Saint Name of Frick would say, "Cripes"


  1. Sometimes I think the Evangelicals are on to something with their slut-shaming and shunning of members who get knocked up. The young girls who already drank the church kool-aid get to see consequences in action

  2. Albert6:21 AM

    Clearly, it's just the three of them because Jesus is their baby-daddy.

    Good luck getting child support from a foreign national.

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The First Baptist Church where I live used to have a pole dancing class, I suppose to propagate fitness and health.

    I understand the need for single moms to earn money, I really do, but beyond the strip club, where would one even find a pole to practice on?

  4. leeholsen8:16 AM

    in defense of the womenfolk, there's plenty of guys that arent worth a lot of women's time. one of my sisters is outstanding, a real high class, elite level person and she had a hard time find 40 year old guys worthy of a second date. these are 40 year old lawyers and cpas that still act and think like college students.
    unfortunately, dr. savage was right, liberalism is a mental disease and it has torn up families, minorities, religion and even the us military.

  5. Anonymous9:08 AM

    At least the Pope disagrees....

  6. The New Independence - Using Children As Assets
    Hey gals, can't find a job because you're unemployable or you don't like working...? Have a kid then apply for welfare. The government can be your daddy.

  7. Take The Red Pill3:14 PM

    "...The government can be your daddy."

    Until the money runs out, or has about the same value as toilet paper. Then we go the way of post-WW I Weimar Germany.

    Everybody reading this should become familiar with "Atlas Shrugged" (if they aren't already).

  8. TroperA4:01 PM

    When I see stories like this or hear women say "I'm waiting for Jesus to send me a boyfriend", I imagine Jesus dressed up as a pimp with a blinged version of the Sacred Heart stuck on the end of a cane. I hear the women say to themselves "Of course Jesus wants me to bang a long string of bad boys. He wants me to be happy and to learn the sexual skills I will need to please my rich, Christian beta husband whom I will marry when I am 35!" Wow.

  9. Deh church in deh ghetto gots a babymomma ministry? Colorz me suhprized ...

  10. I think that the church encourages girls to slut it up while at the same time teaching men to accept slutty pasts because it has been forgiven.

    Just a recipe for disaster for men who get stepped in this. I know from experience.

    Some of the worst women to deal with are reformed, forgiven sluts.
