Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Trudge

Hey parents?  You know your SJW kid you raised who is a pan-sexual?  Well grandchildren were overrated anyway.

1 in 5?  No, try like .03 in 5.  Uncie Bern Bern does some math.  (but the maths are tough!)

"Micro-aggression Reporting Service" - I wonder if the kids who set it up realize just how nazi-esque, and thus, hypocritical they've become.

And finally, remember to get Christmas shopping in before it's too late.


  1. A microaggression reporting service? Really? If hitler wasnt dead, these idiots would be first in line to vote him into office. You really cant make this crap up

  2. Ton de Plume5:36 AM

    Nose rings, SJW, heteronomormative. You have described my 23 year old daughter. Her 20 year old brother is leaning that way.

    Back in the day, I would have been fuming. But your mission statement, "Enjoy the decline", has allowed me to see the bright side of it. They look to the government for support? Fine, that is where they can seek it, because they have allowed me the luxury of not giving a shit. Unfortunately, my wife is still traditional and can't wrap her mind around the idea. I'll let her be the Norman Rockwell grandmother character with the nose ringed brats insisting on vegan dishes at Thanksgiving dinner, while I visit castles and cathedrals in Europe, enjoying ALL of our decline.

  3. Jesus christ has anyone read this?


  4. Cog, that one gets better. For those who haven't read the link, please do. His one word answer of "No" gets a 'violence trigger warning'. Some folks at AOSHQ dug up more on her. She has a gofundme to attend social change training (, and she got interested in community organizing when she was bullied due to her two mommies. ( I don't know whether the professor is a right winger or a lefty cockholster, but I want to buy him a drink.

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Don't have kids.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Microagressions are so yesteryear, they should have already embrace the future of Social Justice and directly setup a Nanoagression Reporting Bureau !

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Yup, this happened. My ex said she was pan-sexual. She certainly proved it when she cheated on me. Now she's gender neutral, because apparently guys are hard to find.
