Monday, February 23, 2015

Embracing the Suck Part 1

As many of you know it is my 40th birthday party and I rewarded myself for living this long with a 2 week trip out in the wild west.  The first part was a trek to what (invariably) led to Las Vegas, but entailed exploring the southwest corner of Colorado.  Specifically, visiting Mesa Verde national park and a wonderful hike though "The Canyon of the Ancients" which has similar Ute Indian dwellings from the 1100's.  Just wanted to share some pics and prove to my loyal readers that I am not "goofing off" or "having fun," but am hard at work ensuing that I am as Cappy as I can possibly be.

However, I did want to explain one of the pictures below because it is pretty cool.  It is the cemetery from a true western town that did exist called "Pahreah."  Not only was it a real western town, it was also a movie studio location for various western shows, and a couple of movies.  Not least of which was the final scene in "The Outlaw Josey Wales."  I will simply make the statement that "adventure is out there" and all you have to do is leave your home to discover it.


  1. TroperA12:53 PM

    Cool. One of the places looks like the ancient Indian city where they filmed "McKenna's Gold." I always wanted to visit that.

    I'd like to see Chaco Canyon, too. Lots of interesting Indian buildings, all aligned with the moon and each other. Hear it gets pretty cold there during the winter, though. Happy Birthday!

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Happy Birthday Mr. Clarey. I hope you had fun.

  3. nate w3:23 PM

    Congrats. You are exactly one week older than me. I wouldn't have guessed.

  4. DAMN! Look at the color of that sky! I'm doing the Guadalupe mountain hike this fall Cap..

  5. Happy Birthday, Mr. Clarey. I'm an avid fan. Keep doing what you do.

  6. Happy Birthday, Mr. Clarey. I'm an avid fan. Keep doing what you do.

  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    40 years old ?
    time is running out fast !
