Friday, February 06, 2015

" I Like to Travel, Tee Hee!"

"Lousy Western medicine and their lousy culture and all their damn patriarchy!  I'll show them!!!"

You sure did sweetheart.  You sure did.


  1. Are they sure it was due to the tea? Perhaps she went into toxic shock from using a Cherokee Hair Tampon.

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Eat, Pray, Die

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    "Seeker" = Rootless.

  4. " She was vomiting, which was to be expected..." I'm no doctor, but I don't think I am wrong in saying that generally you do not want to consume items that will make you vomit. What a pointless death.

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    If she wasn't cute, this would receive ZERO coverage.

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    ... and it's Ayahuasca ...
    No suprise. If you look what the effects of Ayahuasca are (there are a couple of youtube docos up), you'll realise that this story is on the same template as for demonising weed or MDMA. Someone died! Ban it at once! Never mind statistics, here's a cute dead girl!

  7. Anonymous5:37 PM

    She was so cute that probably no one would say anything to her - such as "stop being a God-damned fool."

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    The ayahuasca sure is great stuff. It permanently solved all of Jennifer's problems.

    Wikipedia says, [after consuming ayahuesca] "it is often reported that individuals feel they gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra-dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers" and I guess it worked here, though I don't know that I'd be in any hurry to meet up with the Angel of Death. Soon enough, soon enough.

  9. Survivorman10:10 PM

    Pretty girl!
    Not very smart, though..

  10. "Jennifer graduated from Aden Bowman high school and held a bachelor’s degree in geography and international studies from the University of Winnipeg and a master’s degree in geography from York University."

  11. melmoth2:17 AM

    Who knows what kind of filthy shit they gave her so she would puke. I don't think it was the ayahuasca then, right? It reminds me of some people who I knew who had the nerve to drink fresh cobra blood on the spot in some Asian tourist spot. The cobra got sliced up and bled right in front of them. Bottoms up! Not worried about how incredibly filthy and toxic that warm, live cobra blood might be? I'm all for adventure travel, no need to make your bones as an adventurer by ingesting horribly filthy crap.

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Darwin Award nominee ....

    And note that once the 'natural' purge killed her, they resorted to the knowledge of patriarchal, un-natural, science (gasp) to attempt to save her life.

    Arsenic is all natural; my well at home has it in abundance, and artificial reverse-osmosis filter uses evil science to make it safe.

  13. Another silly young woman who wanted to travel:

  14. Her husband must be a mess.

    Seriously, though, worthless degrees, world traveler, buys into "alternative medicine**."

    What a wasted life.

    ** Alternative medicine sure took a step back the minute she started convulsing. Went from herbal teas to CPR, ambulance, and western medicine pretty damn quick.

  15. Grizzly10:58 AM


    Don't travel to third world countries to do drugs. There's plenty of them at home.
