Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Race Whore Industry Scared Stupid...Literally

Everybody knew and warned me that in publishing The Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty I would face a ton of backlash.  To that I responded,

"Tis Christmas, Theo.  It's the time of miracles."

(Bonus points if you can guess the movie and connect the dots)

However, I didn't think the backlash would start so quickly and so STUPIDLY.  Below, a fake review of my book by a fake account.  I highlighted the date it was posted for a reason.

That reason being I published The Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty at around 6PM February 9th and had sent out NO pre-published copies to anyone.

Either FedEx is super fast and this guy is a very fast reader, or he's just a pimp from the Race Whore industry, not to mention a genuine racist for trying to block a book that would help out a minority group.

It's very simple.  If you want to strike back at this blatant racism and evil, you can buy The Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty here or simply tell friends about it.  They are scared and it's not even been out 72 hours yet.


  1. James8:52 AM

    My only problem with the book is that severely overestimates blacks.

  2. Hans Gruber from Die Hard (1988) said those words.

  3. I love how, basically, the entire review is based around the title of the book, even though you probably did address the so called "flaws" he mentions (I know for a fact you've addressed how blacks should deal with "bias" in other videos).

    So yeah, the review is so vague it's practically pointless.

  4. Yes my good Oz friend Alex, but why did he say that?

    Hmmmm???? ;)

  5. 1432fpchero12:24 PM

    just another example of the race baiting plantation owners of the 21st century planting their self anointed royal foot on the throat of the black man. black hustlers like sharpton and jackson et al do more damage to the black culture in a day than any white man could do in a month of sundays

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Hans said that in response to concerns regarding the time lock. He needed the FBI to kill the power to get into the vault. (Die Hard is easily the greatest christmas movie of all time.)

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    It's just school yard name calling is this review. The book is addressed to black men in poverty. Why is he talking about black investment bankers?

    If someone wrote a book, how to fix your kettle, I wouldn't write a review asking 'what about all the kettles that don't need fixing'?

    It's a very small minority of these idiots who make all the noise. There's nowhere near as many of them as we think, they are just organised, politicized and get themselves into positions of influence.

  8. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Am I the only one who noticed the name of the author? Marcellus Wallace........sounds fishy.


  9. Spitty12:00 PM

    I saw that bullshit review soon after it was put up. I flagged and reported it as abuse. So far Amazon appears to have not taken any action. I reported it again today, explaining it was not legit as there was no possible way he could have obtained and read the book soon enough to post that review when he did. Maybe some of you other guys should be flagging that BS review too?

  10. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Am I the only one who noticed the authors name?
    Marcellus Wallace.............


  11. "Marcellus Wallace" has only ONE review. This book. Methinks that's fishy to begin with.

    I don't even think anyone needs to hire or pay these shills nowadays. Actually a bit frightening.

    SJWs see a book that messes with their preconceived narrative, and they go on the attack. Their weapon of choice: a denouncing tweet or a bad amazon review. I bet Rebellious Marcellus felt really important after writing it.

    He saw something. He said something. LOL.

  12. Faithless Cynic5:23 PM

    Bonus points if you name the movie this line came from:

    " Is Marcellus Wallace a bitch? "

  13. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I'm still waiting for your book, "Free stuff for white guys who failed to plan for retirement and made bad financial choices all their lives but now want a cushy lifestyle".
