Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I Am Friends With Muslims, But...

I vette them very thoroughly.


  1. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Thanks for pointing to that blog.

  2. In your vid below you state that 'you are just saying the obvious that others are too spineless to state...'

    Well, Aaron, I notice that you are still throwing the usual politically correct disclaimers in too. The fact is, stupid people and liberals will still attack you because 'vetting your dark skinned friends with funny names' is racist too!

    I do not seek friendship with moslems. They can't be trusted, treachery and deceit are cultural art forms to them, and any agreement or partnership with them is only as good as they are. Moslems live by the law of the jungle where the strong take the weak ... and we have far too many arrogant, weak and stupid people here for them to prey on.

    Don't be one of them.

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I am friends with whites, but I vette them thorougly to see if they are white nationalists, white supremacists, aryan brotherhoods, KKK, nazis etc.

  4. You can't vet them enough. There are plenty of people in everyone's circle to allow skipping the Muslims.

  5. Love 'em all up, just like Jesus said. If they get nasty, well, then you tried, and can leave their sorry asses to their 'prophet' Mohammed. The guy couldn't even protect his own donkey.


  6. Jason in KT11:42 AM

    "I Am Friends With Muslims, But..."

    No, you are not. Islam forbids muslims from holding friendships with non-muslims.

  7. I'm friends with only one Muslim guy, but I must say he's one of the most decent, moral guys I know.

  8. Hi Aaron

    Muslims here in South Africa are freaking out about those stats too! The regional religious authority drafted a "unified khutbah", i.e generic sermon theme: NO to ISIS, that had to be presented in all mosques this past Friday.

