Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Arguing Past Their Narrative

If you are like me, you don't like to waste time.  Not only because you don't like to "waste your time" in a classical sense, but you also likely had the epiphany you are going to die and any precious moment in your life that is wasted either not entertaining you or serving you in some longer term capacity is in an economic sense tolerating partial suicide. 

To that end you've likely made some (very important) changes in life that have not only saved you time, but led to a happier and more content life.
  • You no longer tolerate a commute insisting on working from home or living next to work.
  • You stopped watching TV realizing no amount of mindless sitcoms will replace one quality  conversation with your loving, but ailing grandfather.
  • Or you have given up on MSM, instead reading alternative media, or perhaps giving up on media altogether knowing you won't change this batshit insane world. 
Whatever it is, you've realized your life is too short to waste on things that either don't matter or things you can't do anything about, and have instead opted to spend that time on things that actually matter in life and will make you happy.

And debating with leftists  (and politics in general) should be one such thing you also strike from the list.

It took me a while to realize this, but after nearly 15 years of providing undeniable economic and empirical proof socialism just plain doesn't work and that free markets provides a morally and empirically superior society and economy, ONLY to have every single leftist I was trying to convince dismiss it with some weak or cowardly form of flawed logic ("well, perception is reality" was my favorite), it dawned on me I was not reasoning or arguing with intellectually honest or rational humans.

Quite the contrary.

It was like 1981 where I was arguing with my teachers I had in parochial school.

They were ideologues.
The were zealots.
They were cultists and fanatics.

No amount of fact, truth, reason, logic, or empiricism was going to convince them.  And that the key to "winning" the debate was not found in economics, history, or facts, but through psychology, emotion, mockery, and insult.  And even then, most would still adhere to their false religion, rendering all my efforts wasted, and thus a "partial suicide" of my infinitely more important life.

So I made a change.  I no longer debated economics or threw up charts.  I no longer tried to reason with people on the left.  And I rarely bothered ever pulling data.  I hopped on my motorcycle, went riding, climbed mountains, hiked national parks, went dancing, drank, fucked pretty girls, panned for gold, ate sushi, lived life, and if I EVER got into it with leftists I immediately went emotional and personal.  Mocking and ridiculing them, pointing out their degrees were worthless, agitating feminists that they were ugly, telling single moms their market value's been halved, and other arguments/tactics I would have largely regarded as "sophomoric" or "beneath me" all of 5 years ago, but now realized these are their "modern day equivalent weapons" by which they fight, and are the only tactics that they're aware of and affect them.

However, (though it feels good) merely agitating them and angering them about their reality of life does nothing to "win" the war many of you are still trying to wage against them.  And while I don't expect many conservatives or libertarians to just give up the fight, get vasectomies, tell their boss to shove it, go Lester Burnham on life, and join me on my next motorcycle trek out west, I do know for those of you insist on staying in the fight need to change your tactics because it is not working, will never work, and not only will you lose the war, but your children (if you foolishly decided to bring some into this world) are going to pay the price.  Thus, the importance of "arguing through their narrative."

Understand one simple thing about "socialism" "leftism" "liberalism" "communism" or whatever you want to call it.

It is nothing more than the lazy of society demanding the hard working and industrious be their slaves.

It is NOTHING more complicated than the parasites of society demanding the producers support and pay for them.

I don't care how many pages "Das Kapital" is.
I don't care how many millions of hours the thousands of liberal arts professors lecture.
And I don't care how many trillions of words they and the MSM write in journals or "research studies."

In the end, when you boil it down, ALL leftism is is a group of lazy people who don't want to work for a living and want to live off of other people. 

That's it. 
That's all. 

That one sentence summarizes the libraries worth of socialist literature throughout all of history

Socialism is parasitism.

Naturally this stance (parasitism) is untenable and indefensible.  NOBODY is willing to be the host in this relationship, and no-would-be-parasite's ego is willing to admit they are a parasite.

Thus, the majority, if not, all of the effort put forth by the left is NOT merely taking other people's money, but coming up with reasons, rationalization, and excuses to steal other people's money.  And you see it in nearly all of their arguments/political platforms:

I'm discriminated against by white males because I'm _____________.
We don't spend enough on education
We don't spend enough on health care
We don't spend enough on the poor/Social Justice
College isn't all about the money
War on women (glass ceiling, rape culture, wage gap)
Corporations/the rich control everything
We need to tax producing countries to stop global warming

I could go on, but all of the arguments above, ALL OF THEM, no matter how "noble sounding" serve only one purpose and one purpose only - to transfer money from the producers of society to the parasites.

"We need more money for education for the children" when translated DIRECTLY into English should read:

"A bunch of us lazy people who decided at 17 we didn't want to work hard so we chose "education" as our majors want the rest of you hard working people to pay for our cake and 9 months a year cushy jobs.  And if you don't then we're going to claim you hate children because we don't want you to even think about just what parasites we are."

When you hear "College isn't all about the money" you should translate that DIRECTLY into English to read:

"We are a bunch of worthless parasites who don't want to work real jobs and found government academia to be a place where we are overpaid professors, who are simply paid to indoctrinate your children to simply vote the parasite class more money while charging $400 per credit for tuition and $400 for our book that is constantly underrevision so used books can never be used again."

And when you hear "I need money because I'm discriminated against because I'm (fill in your choice de jour)

gay, (or the newest victim fad)

that should translate directly into English to read:

"I'm a coward and am going to hide behind a trait I was born with to claim I'm a victim because claiming to be a victim will get me additional funds and special treatment throughout my life at the expense of others.  I will also be doubly cowardly and disingenuous claiming anybody who dares to suggest my personal decisions resulted in my status in life is a rac/sex/misogyn/ist."

In short, nearly all of the left's argument is a spectacularly HUGE strawman that few conservatives and libertarians realize is one.   And if they fail to realize it's a strawman, their efforts are misdirected and no progress is made on winning the debate.

Once a leftist claims they need your money because "you can't spend enough on our children" conservatives and libertarians foolishly think that is their argument!  And off they go, rushing to pull data that shows more money on education doesn't equal better schools.

Or when a feminist claims "rape" is an epidemic on college campuses, again, conservatives and libertarians think THAT is their argument.  And once again, foolishly rush off to pull the factual data that college women are raped at rates less than the general population.

And heaven help you if you're accused of racism or sexism or any other "ism."  Again, soooo predictably, the conservative or libertarian will scramble to prove they are NOT a racist or sexist, completely abandoning the original argument, and now debating a completely new and irrelevant one.

The reality is they just want your money, and will stop any no dirty trick or lie to get it.

"You can't spend enough on our children" is "give us teachers more of your money."

"Rape is an epidemic" is "we women's studies professors can't find jobs and need government grant money.  Give us some because we don't want to get real jobs and we don't care how many young men's lives we ruin with false rape claims."

And "Give me more money because you discriminate against me" is "I'm the true bigot and have no problem falsely blaming people of your sex and skin color for oppressing me because not only will it get me more of your money, but it will assuage me of any personal responsibility that my shitty life is the result of my own horrendously stupid decisions."

To quote Charles Grodin from "Midnight Run"

"It's all about the fucking money!"

Alas, this presents conservatives and libertarians who want to "win this war" a choice.  You can keep arguing against the false premises even the left doesn't believe in or start arguing against their true motives and incentives.  This is easier said than done because the left (and its accompanying entities of the government, academia, and the media) is so hardwired to play victim that any direct accusation will IMMEDIATELY result in accusations of you being an "ist" AND attempts to dox you, ruin your career, and ruin your name.  So just imagine a single, black mother of 5 with 4 different fathers starts blaming ("that ole classic") "White Males Keep On Oppressing Me" and you publicly come out saying,

"No you stupid slut, it's not white males.  It's because you can't keep it in your pants or go on birth control.  And it is you who is the racist and sexist blaming white males for your incomprehensibly stupid decisions."

If you did that, nearly every brainwashed, sheeple facet of society (and conscious leftist agent in the government, media, and academia) would post what you said on the internet, misquote you, and misconstrue your words to the best of their ability to paint you as a bigot, racist, blah blah blah.  And whatever career you may have once had is now gone because you are forever "googleable" henceforth.

And THAT is the real reason your hands are tied.

I can be flippant about this because in an ironic sense that is how I make my living.  If I could summarize my business model, I sell the truth which has been so villainized by the left that it is effectively an outlawed drug.  This not only makes truth a rare commodity, but I can charge a premium for it.  The only price is I have to endure is that I will never have a "normal" life again (you know the one with a cubicle career, commute, taxes, a mortgage, children I can't afford, and divorce).

Most republicans, conservatives, and non-conspriacy-theorist-liberatarians cannot afford this as they have kids, a mortgage, a career, etc., that would be ruined by arguing past the narrative and pointing out the emperor has no clothes.  But until that time comes, until the vast majority of conservatives and libertarians get the balls and courage to basically just say, "no, you're a parasite who wants other people's money and you're hiding like a coward behind children/your skin color/gender/etc to get it" we will all just be spinning our wheels responding to their red-herring arguments:

"No no, I'm for the children!  I just think we can spend the money better!"
"No no!  I'm not a racist!  See I have this sort of 1/8th black friend!"
"No no!  I don't hate women!  I just think more of them should major in STEM!"

In the meantime, those fortunate enough not to need "the system" will simply boil down leftists and make the only argument that matters:

"You're a bunch of cowards and parasites, and all you want is for me to be your slave to support you."

And no progress is going to be made until we all do the same.


  1. The best thing about this post is that Glorious Hat ad next to it. THAT is how this war will be won.

    Confront them, mock them, show them that we know exactly who they are, and give no ground.

    Maybe our foreign policy doesn't pursue victory against our foreign enemies anymore, but I pursue victory against my ideological enemies as passionately as they pursue my wallet and my rights.

    I'm done debating as well.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Great post! Not only do people on the left just want other people's money, but they want to feel good about plundering the people they get it from, too. It's sick.

    By the way, I like telling the truth too, and I only have a career. That's why I use an alias, for as long as that lasts.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Epic rant! Many excellent points. I am one of those suburban dads who just doesn't engage in arguments with the lefties anytime or anywhere. Teevee for the most part sucks. Same with the movies these days, sucky. I try to read books as much as possible, and live by not wasting time on worthless endeavors. It ain't worth my time and money. The lefties hate me, because of what I represent, a balding old creaky knee white guy, who never did crap to anyone on the left to merit the hate towards me and my family. They hate me because I still practice my religion with my family, spend time with my family doing family things (e.g. camping, hiking, snowboarding and skiing, and soon surfing), love my wife, and yes own those "evil" things called guns. Screw all of them, especially my lefty neighbors (I have plenty of them), because we live our life happily. That is the best revenge against the controlists/fascists/leftist scum that want to make you as unhappy as they are in life. Not going to happen on my watch with me or my family.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Now get a cartoon (you telling some parasite type worms with identifying information on them as names) of this and make it postable for Facebook and let it spread!

  5. DrTorch1:29 PM

    You can't outbreed them by getting a vasectomy.

    It takes numbers to win a cultural war.

  6. Anonymous1:32 PM

    My god, if you could sell this message to the masses you'd make a fortune.

  7. This is not fair as well economically destructive – to punish the most successful so that the barnacles and other crustaceans that make up the underclass (like underneath a dock) can continue to corrode and weigh down the vessel that is the US economy.

  8. Great post Aaron. It'll definitely save time for many on this side of the web. I think that's the best way to fight, really - to advise those who are willing to listen and help themselves.

  9. When you say "socialism doesn't work" you have to be more specific: doesn't work for who? (whom?)

    If you mean bringing prosperity to the most people, you are absolutely correct: it doesn't work.

    But if you mean it brings unearned power and prosperity to the crony, the talentless, the nonproductive at the expense of the productive classes, then it works very well, thank you.

  10. sth_txs3:59 PM


    "Finally, work the system. The government, if you let it, will take roughly half of your income, give much of it to useless bureaucrats, much to various forms of welfare, use much to bomb countries you may have no desire to bomb, and much to force upon you services, such as horrible schools, that you do not want. The central question regarding government is whether you can take more from it than it takes from you. It is much better to receive than to give. Live cheap, work only as much as you like, enjoy life, and keep your taxes down.

    You will still read of the rot and running sores of a declining culture, but it will bother you less. These things are your problem only to the extent that you feel yourself to be part of the society that produces them. Don’t fight the government, as it will win. Don’t try to reform society, because you can’t. Laugh at it. Live well. Read much."

  11. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Fucking Classic!

  12. There are many types of parasites out there. The ones similar to Amazon ants for example....

  13. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Ahhh Aaron, music to my ears. You are, of course, 100% ded-nuts accurate. It just doesn’t get any easier to understand than this.

    BTW, you can distill it down even further by saying that these parasites believe in one philosophy, one doctrine, and one creed only, the “something for nothing” mentality (hmm, where have I heard that before?).

    My only question is this: why do their human hosts continue to allow those parasites to feed on them?

    “Communism, socialism, or fascism are not some intellectual doctrines or belief mechanisms that the politically connected actually believe in, such as those found in science or philosophy, but are mere tools used to obtain power, influence, and, above all, easily obtained wealth.” Author unknown.

  14. SM7774:01 PM

    When the fedgov(inc.) welfare state is forced to shut down by the immutable laws of economics, the parasites will no longer be supported by the productive people.

    This process, however, will likely involve violence, starvation and open martial law (look up the difference between "open" martial law and just plain old martial law).

  15. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Genius, pure fucking genius. You outdid yourself yet again.

    Copied, saved and shared. Thanks indeed.


  16. Phyllis1:47 PM

    I think I love you. Why can't everyone think and express themselves as clearly and logically? Best writing I have read in a long, long while. Thank you!!
