Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Masters in Male Studies

A professor wants to start an entirely new (and worthless) study - Men's Studies.

The problem is it already exists.  It's called "history."


  1. Last time I checked, you don't need to go to college to shoot guns, smoke tobacco, drink beer/booze, climb mountains, ride motorcycles, BBQ, hit on cute girls, or watch Rambo.

    in other words, "men's studies."

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    History, which, by the way, is also a worthless degree.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    LOL. One of your best ever comments. Well done.

  4. Anonymous6:55 PM


    here is a great article for you to read:


  5. Survivorman8:26 PM

    As long as it's not "Art History" - not *totally* worthless, as people who don't know history.. are doomed to repeat it..

  6. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Every building, road, item, or army ever built exists because a man (or a group of men) put it together. The rest is just details. (That is "men's studies" and "the history of the world" condensed into two sentences.) I just saved countless students twenty grand, and four years of nonsense.

  7. Michael Kimmel is a longtime male Feminazi. This is a repackaged Wymyn Studys for men.

  8. Maybe you do need to study history, politics, literature because what is actually taught, depicted in movies or TV is fraudulent. Men need to know their traditions free from the propaganda which all institutions teach.
    Here endeth the lesson.
