Friday, January 22, 2016

Nothing Good Comes from Women With Horses

Seriously, it's better for a woman to have herpes instead of horses.


  1. LOL. You really see a connection here? Where I grew up (rural town flyover country) everyone rode. I wasn't too serious about it, but a couple of my first girlfriends were good enough to bring home barrel racing prizes. They were fine girlfriends; a hell of a lot better than today's crop, who tend to be allergic to the outdoors.

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    True, very similar to cat ladies

  3. Let me speak from experience. I dedicate my entire existence to becoming a partner at a law firm to support my family. My reward is my wife deciding to pick up horseback riding. It fits the definition of a boat: a hole in the water you pour money into. Instead of your great teenage country girlfriends riding the horses kept in the family farm's barn, you go to work and put in enough hours to buy a horse. Of course it has to be already trained in dressage. Boarding can run from $100 to $1,000 a month: here in L.A. assume closer to the top end. Feeding costs. Vet costs. (Wait until it gets really sick or injured and your hysterical wife is ready to take out a second mortgage to pay for surgery or whatever.) Then miscellaneous costs like regular dressage lessons. And tack: this is not only expensive as hell but addicting. Wait till you are paying off the credit cards for all the horsey things she buys. Plus special dressage outfits and helmets. Then find out David Hasselhoff came by the barn there in L.A. and thinks her horse is so cute and they are going riding. Plus my mother did the same thing to my Dad: but she only rode the horse for a year or two but after that of course she had to keep him as a part of the family. For well over a decade.
