Friday, February 05, 2016

Do Western Women Deserve the Protection of Western Men - Essay #4

From Jessica:

The women who betrayed the West certainly don't deserve to be protected by
it, but Western Civilization itself does deserve to be saved.  We cannot
just abandon it.  However, the only way to do that is likely by simply
riding out the storm.  The nations of Europe are ripe for civil wars, and
only time will tell if America follows, or if the global economy collapses
and it's every man for himself.  Pick your worst case scenario.
As food and energy grows scarcer or runs out, and the bullets start
flying, how much power do you think the Social Justice “Warriors” will
have?  Academia?  All the other annoying leftists more concerned about
their feeeeelings than anything else?  Social media mobs and hashtag
activism won't save them when harsh realities are shattering their rosy
little illusions.  Who will listen to them if they cannot protect or
provide for themselves?  Only men who are strong enough to fight and wise
enough to lead will be able to get what's left of society back into some
degree of order, only they will have any kind of power that actually

And the women will be stuck in the middle of this clash.  The government
will not be there to provide them with first world security, or extra
goodies.  Are they going to suddenly toughen up and get a grip on reality
during the most cataclysmic point in their lives?  Nah.  They will look to
anyone getting control of the situation and restoring whatever amount of
order is possible.  If the women want to be protected by the smart people
who know what they are doing, they will have to follow the new rules.  The
old ways of political correctness will be stripped away.  After all,
progressivism is all about the easy and convenient path.  There is no easy
and convenient path when civilization is collapsing around you.  I suppose
one could keep railing on about all the progressive buzzwords (or that
Shakespeare was a racist, just because), but no one will care and everyone
will tell the moron to scram.  Not the best way to stay alive.

The point being that you men may determine to “Enjoy the Decline,” and not
care what happens, but consider that there may come a time during the
decline that will be a very strategic moment to step in, lead, and change
society for the better.  Or even save Western Civilization.  Are you
willing to keep an eye out for that opportunity?  Or does the West really
matter that little to you?
I suspect it still matters to you, the time just isn't right yet, not for
everyone anyway.
But it is coming.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Simply put no, here is reason 1,345,

    The dissenting opinion was voiced by a combat disabled veteran.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    " but Western Civilization itself does deserve to be saved." As is I am not able to agree.
    This statement hass many worlds of difference between the political sides. Saving civilization is a wonderful goal but is it obtainable and or worth while with the large numbers of uncivilized currently supported with wages taken for the greater good?

  3. Still fails to answer a few questions:

    What makes Western women WORTH protecting? Where is the answer to WHY?

    What do western men have as incentive to save a society and people that actively hates us?

    Western men in the know do have a plan to protect themselves. It's much easier for a single man to disappear than it is for a man and woman, because women are actually cared for. (Men can easily take advantage of the indifference society has for them and their invisibility to just fade into the world, and Western society will just shrug.) What's worth the mental hassle to include a Western woman in that plan vs men traveling outside of Western world and find a woman who will actually appreciate them?

    Your essay writers kind of missing the mark. They seem to be making the issue about saving society, saving the heard, protecting the status quo, or saving anything else that keeps women safe.

    The writers say nothing of the WHY they deserved to be save, or they try for the NAWALT approach to save their OWN ASS, as this one did. This author is a Western woman, and tries to distance herself from the toxicity that is the group.

    Doesn't work that way.

    The question you are trying to answer is not, "Do SOME Western women deserve the protection of Western Men?"

    It's "Do Western women (as a WHOLE GROUP,) deserve the protection of Western men?"

    It's the special snowflake syndrome with this one, despite the fact she is part of the group she tries to distance herself from.

    They also are incapable or unwilling to see it from the point of view of the man, have no ability to do a risk/benefit analysis men do when considering this. The protection involves men may involve the death of those men. Can't reap rewards when you're dead.

    I suspect you had some really bad ones. This is Essay #4 you had received, and I only saw the first one posted. Are the others really that bad or poorly written?

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I surely won't rise to the challenge posed.

    does the West really matter that little to you?
    I suspect it still matters to you, the time just isn't right yet, not for
    everyone anyway. But it is coming.

    Honestly, 'the West' matters not. It can burn to the ground for all I care.

    What matters to me is modern dentistry, being warm in the winter, well fed come spring, and watching my children grow to adulthood. That I will fight for at the appropriate time and in an appropriate way.

    - ws1835

  5. Ed Hamilton11:06 AM

    Amen, Sister Jessica.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Hi Aaron,
    Hi Jessica

    Thank you for posting. After reading the essay I feel like mentioning a couple of things. First, this post does not fully answer Aaron's question, it merely makes a prediction of the eventual collapse. What we (the male readers and followers of Aaron) are interested in is to understand what women think needs changing (in order to gain men's protection in today's Western society), and in the case of a catastrophe what women would do to stay alive. Second, at the end you call for the brave ones to step forward and do their duty in the most difficult times. Question: just like now, why should they do anything, even if they are capable and understand the situation? Why risk even more then than now by exposing themselves and the closest to them by trying to '' change society for the better''? Remember that wouldn't be a functional society and those times would be harsher, more violent and the selfishness of people will play an even bigger role than now. And one more thing: who dies first in post-apocalyptic movies? Yes, the heroes. Who survives at the end? The most adaptable, the sneakiest, the cunning.

  7. Without White men, all of the West will fall apart like a cheap suit. See Zimbabwe or South Africa and see how well dark skinned anthropoidal cretins run societies. We do not enjoy the decline, but you brought it on yourselves by denying us our Divine Right to Rule due to our superior intelligence and morality. These delusional Leftists can go into the cannibals' pot for all I care. The women who want to live better find a White Man, because the future doesn't come in Brown. Its ain't the Stone Age anymore homie, you are an outdated anachronism now, deal with it.

    1. What a stupid post. In case you haven't read history, "brown" has built plenty of big civilizations over the millennia. "White men" have definitely dominated RECENTLY, but Asians can easily pick up the slack with regards to technology and innovation.

      BTW, scope out Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil, or maybe Appalachia and you'll see that "white" isn't as advanced and civilized as you claim (yes, most of South America is actually white and Christian).

    2. What a stupid post. In case you haven't read history, "brown" has built plenty of big civilizations over the millennia. "White men" have definitely dominated RECENTLY, but Asians can easily pick up the slack with regards to technology and innovation.

      BTW, scope out Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil, or maybe Appalachia and you'll see that "white" isn't as advanced and civilized as you claim (yes, most of South America is actually white and Christian).

  8. I'm rooting for this one.

    This is the same argument I use to dissuade myself from going back to becoming a femi-bitch (or polishing up my social skills and becoming a freelance high-priced whore).

    Because if ALL the women decide to be femi-bitches and high-priced whores...

    And ALL the men decide to throw up their hands and go play with the high-priced whores...

    ...then when the femi-bitches and the SJW's and the rest of the brainless whinybabies get what they wanted and it all collapses, NOTHING will rise up out of the ashes.

  9. I pledged to defend the U.S. Constitution a long time ago, it is no longer in effect and hasn't been for quite some time so I will not "man up" for little Jessica and her fellow harlots. They can all look forward to being a dope addled thugs concubine, surviving as a self propelled blow up doll for his goons which is what she and the rest of females prefer anyway.

    My unique, and very specialized skills will keep me alive, well fed, and cozy while I chuckle at how loud little Jessica's squeals are from the auction block, or whatever cesspool she and her cohorts end up in.

    No thank's sweet cheeks... Your day has passed... Not gonna "man up" for you!

  10. Amen! It's a shame that our culture would have to be crashing down around us for these SJW's/rabid, delusional fems to see reality and STFU

  11. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I'm ready, but some kind of collapse has to happen before I, and many others, will step in. The point being, as I think one of the Civil War Generals said, that the best way to prove an order is stupid is to attempt it to the best of your ability. Then afterwards it cannot be claimed that it was your lack of effort which caused the failure, leaving only the stupidity of the order as the cause. So, till then, the SJWs can say and do what they like. They'll be the first to fall in the chaos they themselves have created anyway. After all, they are f-all use in the real world. Meanwhile, I exercise my right to have nothing to do with them or the Government they have shaped.

  12. The collapse of Western civilization is causing an untold degree of emotional turbulence within the men who would save it. Our enjoyment of the decline is only a front to the anguish we feel in watching our beautiful creation fall to its knees. We stand on the sidelines, ostracized, spat at, by the very same people who expect to be saved by us eventually. I am referring specifically to westen women. When the time comes, do not expect mercy from us. We will destroy you, and put you in the same position you put us in. This time, however, it will be because you deserve it.

    We aren't saving civilization for you, worthless female, but for the next generation.

  13. Anonymous2:08 AM

    No. No get out of jail free card for you.
    This is a house of termites; and we will burn it down!

  14. Deaths Head said...
    "I pledged to defend the U.S. Constitution a long time ago, it is no longer in effect and hasn't been for quite some time so I will not "man up" for little Jessica and her fellow harlots. They can all look forward to being a dope addled thugs concubine, surviving as a self propelled blow up doll for his goons which is what she and the rest of females prefer anyway."

    I'm the one who wrote the essay, your comment was the only one I reacted strongly to.
    Just know this, sir, I will die by the side of an honorable man fighting for his country before I'll ever become some "dope addled thugs concubine." There is a man who will be my husband and I will not betray him. Do not question the character of the man I will give myself to, I will choose him for his nobility and integrity. I will never break my loyalty to him. I know what abandonment feels like, and I will not do that to him, or to my country.

  15. Ann Coulter quipped, seriously I think, that women shouldn't be allowed to vote (adding ironically that they could still write books and stand for election thus leaving a path open for the Queen herself).

    When I look at the voting patterns of females and the political tendencies of feminists (the vanguard of the left in our gynocracy) I see an anti masculine behaviour. An knee jerk embracing and empathising of everything, including what to the male is the suicidally stupid.

    Right up to the moment that hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted near the great Cathedral of Cologne girls in scantily clad clothes greeted thousands of young Middle Eastern men (the bulk of them clearly not refugees according to studies) who often occasion inappropriately touched them at the greetings.

    Apparently the male brain has an more active amygdala which is modulated by testosterone, it provides threat detection and motivation. Perhaps this is why women embrace empathetic behaviour as they can not see negative the consequences.
    Simon baron Cohen's autism research on newborns confirms higher levels of systemising as opposed to empathising behaviour in male infants.

    As a man I naturally did some basic demographic calculations in my head on sources of immigration, fertility rates etc.

    There has been no matriarchal society in history that has survived long. We've gone from the female vote to near total demographic collapse in the west less than 100 years.

    Giving the vote to women is an experiment never before tried in history (even democracy is rare or limited e.g. the Roman Republic, the Greek states before Alexander). Do feminists want to destroy western civilisation? I think so, though Dr Roger Devlin describes it as 'anger' that was useful power in a village or family setting but is destructive in the case of democracy.

    It is worthwile listening to Anissa Naouai interview Iben Thranholm on YouTube (Its a RT TV recording) on the failure of European men, of masculinity to protect women in Scandinavia from rape by 3rd world migrants. She describes men that have become increasingly feminised.

    This breaks open the idea that masculinity has failed? Or does it point to masculinity being destroyed by feminism?

  16. Dumbassed Man7:32 PM

    Nope. Let it burn! Burn, baby, burn! Burn, burn, burn!

  17. Anonymous7:50 AM


    You are either over 50 or you are lying. Females no longer show the noble traits you speak about. My proof , female hypergamy. You will betray your husband, if you find a man with more money/ status. AWALT. They are.

  18. I'm the one who wrote the essay, your comment was the only one I reacted strongly to. Just know this, sir, I will die by the side of an honorable man fighting for his country before I'll ever become some "dope addled thugs concubine." There is a man who will be my husband and I will not betray him. Do not question the character of the man I will give myself to, I will choose him for his nobility and integrity. I will never break my loyalty to him. I know what abandonment feels like, and I will not do that to him, or to my country.

    Jessica, you will not by dying next to whatever fool you con into saving you, because like all females your only goal is gain higher ground not be buried by it. Females have never, nor will they ever make any type of ultimate sacrifice for another. As a former operator with SOCOM I know the type, I was that man back then, and though I still am today it won't be for some bonnie lass who bandies about tales of her own nobility while she is chatting up some low life gang banger in a back alley. You are a nothing but a fraud with a new white apron, and that is stained with your deceit exactly like your fellow selfish trollops.

    You, and all your useless heathen sisters will never have an honorable man, and you wouldn't appreciate them if you managed to snare one. You have no concept of appreciation, honor, or loyalty, and it's quite simply poison to you! None of those men would waste a moments breath on you anyway, because they all know you would betray them the moment some cretin strolls by after his parole hearing and your knickers got damp.

    Don't test me little girl, it's boorish, it's trite, and gives lie to your silly claims about how devoted you would be. When the dregs come for you and the other tramps you will rejoice and go willingly just as they did in Europe with a smile and welcome signs.

    You offer nothing... You get nothing... My sword, shield and armor are NOT at your command anymore!

  19. To Anonymous at 7:50 AM,

    I am not over 50 and I am not lying. However I am a Christian, and I take God's commands about faithfulness and purity seriously. That's why I'm different. Such conviction is getting rarer these days, but that doesn't make it impossible.

  20. To Deaths Head,

    What would prove to you that I meant what I said?

    What I've most seen from all of these comments, and others elsewhere, is that there is a lot of intense pain behind your distrust of women. I don't want you to feel that hurt. I still love my countrymen. I'm not willing to let evil people destroy our country. I'm not willing to let them destroy what you and all your brothers in SOCOM did. Or what generations of Americans who fought and died for us did.

    I might not be able to do much about it right now, but whether my ability is small or great I'm going to keep standing against evil because I do not want America destroyed or trapped in sorrow. Your time for taking the brunt of this struggle may be over, but mine is just starting. I do not want to fail it.

    Ignore me or vehemently disagree with my sincerity, yet I wish to keep talking.
    Though the Captain may be getting tired of dealing with these comments on an old post. My name links to my blog. It's open.

  21. Jessica,

    You have already proven yourself, it's in the words and deeds I have bore the brunt of my entire life from harlots like you seeking nobility! Your fraud of chastity and wholesome virtue is more transparent than sheet glass, and quite frankly, it disgusts me because we both know it's a phony charade to hide your dalliances with the scum of doom you ply with endless favors.

    The vitriol, the spite, the lies, the defamation, the untold riches I've wasted and lost on some tramp who's vicious little mouth drips honey laced with boric acid the same way you do, doesn't fool me anymore.

    You know nothing of pain, sorrow, suffering, and you never will like all your sisters in that deceitful coven of girl power bullshit. You contribute nothing, you know nothing, and you care for nothing beyond another accolade from some tinder jackass who got you dripping.

    America has already been destroyed by you, and all the other greedy bitches just like you in search of "good men" and "noble men" and on and on it goes, not once offering a single thing to those men like the deadly parasites you are. The sanctimony, the bible thumping born again whore routine, the demands for a grand warrior while you stuff your face with truffles is more than enough to tell me who you really are!

    Another basic strumpet, an entitled bovine, a life sucking quantum singularity, or in less elegant parlance....

    Face down in the snow, beaten and bloody, starving, and not worth saving!

  22. Anonymous9:29 PM

    This country already conducts itself like some fourth rate banana republic. When things come to a head, don't expect me to defend a corrupt and oppressive regime where the elites are above the law. Not my concern, not my problem.
