Monday, February 08, 2016

"Free Shit" Beats " Vagina"

Unfortunately Hilary's "I Have a Vagina Campaign" doesn't seem to beat Uncle Bernie's "Don't worry sweetheart.  I'll take care of you baby" campaign.

I'll say it again, women are genetically programmed to vote in a larger state.  Vagina or not.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The Bern does seem to be overtaking the Hildebeast but I don't think it is one of 'free' beating out 'vag' but rather a shift in the hierarchy within the same cake (and eat it too.)

    This follows the same thinking that the female millennial voters are also less likely to identify as feminists, not because they don't hold beliefs in-line with the fem 2.0 ideology but that those beliefs are already so ingrained in the cultural-legal-political bodies that they no longer stand out as such; it is already baked-in.

    They don't have to agitate for the multitude of options, protections, preferential treatment, and preclusion of responsibility because it is already ubiquitous in their lives.

    In fact they FEEL the emptiness from the coddling and the dissonance from the abundance of choice mired in the cross-purposing of the decadent feelz chasing and their natural inclinations as women. So doubling down on their victimhood as women (Hillary) gains little, but going long on their victim identity as socio-economic class warriors plays much better in their necessitous ideological sweater-sets of Equality and Fairness. The little trend for some of them to embrace more 'Traditional' roles is merely a desire to retrench out of economic necessity.

    So they can distance themselves (personally) from the negative identity associations with the loud-and-proud feminists - namely the tendency to be unattractive and angry, while still being the (in-group) beneficiaries of the power structure that feminism propagates.

    The young women say "Her [Hillary] feminism is not MY feminism..." The gender war is over for them; they are the winners. If anything, they look around them at their spritely bearded skinnypants male-identifying counterparts and just cant muster the kind of Feelz that their older sisters of GenX and beyond can stir up easily (because Mr. Big definitely did not marry them and there are simply no good men left to save them from their choices.) The cube farm turned out to be quite barren.

    Bernie and Hilary are serving the same cake, but the preference in the younger cohort is for more frosting; Hillary's free cake is redundant at this point. Plus free stuff from a hugable grandpa Feelz better than from that slightly scary auntie who kind of gives them the chills.

  2. Bernie's overtaking Hillary because he can at least project the illusion of giving a damn about the (material, short-term) best interests of the (stupidest, laziest) people in this country. It's obvious, even to stupid people, that Hillary gives a damn for no one's interests but her own.

    Far as the "genetically programmed" part goes, well, I must have gotten this vagina by mistake. I've been told as much. I can't vote for either of them.

    Would I love to live in a world where Bernie's policies are viable?? Yes, I would. I would love to know that my husband can stop killing himself at work (instead working only as much as he wants, at what he wants), and I can stop worrying about making a bad decision (looking at them as learning experiences, instead of things that could render us hungry, homeless, and otherwise destitute), and our kids and I can both stop worrying about earning top grades so they can get a scholarship to some shitty Kool-Aid pouring State U (I hope they choose WVU, which outside the liberal arts seems to be light on the Kool-Aid, at least it was when Hubby graduated in Engineering 10 years ago now) so they can kill themselves at work and worry about making the bad decision that will sink them. I would really love that...

    ...if I thought it were actually possible, actually viable.

    I don't.

    I'd like to have a rainbow unicorn to run around in my all-organic, insect-free (but magically pollinated), self-weeding garden, too. I put the likelihood of getting that slightly higher than the likelihood of Bernie's policies being viable.

    My garden will, after all, be weeded at some point (and if my kids want money bad enough, I might not even have to do it myself). It may be briefly bug-free. This might be the year I get through the whole summer by organic means. And maybe, while said children are weeding said garden, one of them will leave her stuffed rainbow unicorn between the rows...

    What's that mean-- I only have half a vadge?? My ovaries dropped and turned into balls??

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Conan O'Brien coming to Harvard to talk about the value of liberal arts education.

  4. Women do this dumb-ass stuff because we're caretakers.

    We feel obligated to take care of the poor, the struggling, and those living with the unexpected consequences of their stupid decisions.

    That's nice.

    Also because we value security, and want everyone to have it.

    That's nice.

    The problem is that we've become lazy-ass caretakers who would rather pay the government to do the caretaking than get off our flabby asses, dirty our manicured fingers, and do it ourselves. Caretaking is HARD. It involves shit, and dirt, and lots and lots and lots of hot soapy water. It makes our mascara run and ruins our manicures.

    And security is a hard choice. It involves thinking about what you NEED, and what you can AFFORD, and prioritizing that above what you WANT.

    It involves spending $45 on staples that will let you dirty your hands cooking multiple meals that will feed your family, and NOT spending $45 dollars on something called a "pink and white" that will get you "likes" on Facebook. It involves a beat-up single-wide trailer that you can buy with the $6000 it would cost you to rent a pretty apartment for a year (OK, $500 a month won't get you a very pretty apartment anywhere I've lived, but it will get you something "cooler" than the 30-year-old trailer we started out in). It involves a rebuilt minivan instead of shiny 7-passenger SUV (my van cost $3800, which is about 14 months' worth of car payments with good credit and a favorable financing plan-- but the new SUV wouldn't be nearly paid off after 14 months, and the van's already mine, and those calculations are before factoring in insurance) to ferry the kids around in.

    It involves changing Grandma's (Mom's, Dad's) diapers YOURSELF for as long as you are able.

    We want to take care, and we want to feel safe. And that's not bad. That's good. That's what we're supposed to do. The problem comes in where we want someone else (government) to do the dirty work instead of taking care ourselves, someone else (government again) to supply the security instead of making the choices that will make us as secure as anyone can be in this world.

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Aint it funny how the first to throw the jina card is also the first to call others out for being sexist?

  6. I was thinking who I would choose between Trump and Bernie. Even though I am conservative, I would choose Clinton over Trump. But I cannot stand Sander's ideas. I might just not vote.

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Free shit versus Full of Shit. I think I'll take the former to the latter. Or maybe none of the above for the entire clown car.
