Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Selous Scouts: A Repost

As you guys know I like to delete lesser posts in an effort to declutter the ole blog.  But a professional race-whore complained my link to the podcast about the Selous Scouts was racist because it was about the Rhodesian War, even though the purpose of linking to it was to highlight the Selous Scouts remarkable espionage and infiltration skills.  ie-it would be like linking to a post about about mechanic ability of the Tiger Tank, and being accused of being anti-Semitic.

Of course, the professional victim thought the post was taken down because I was fear I'd be called a racist.  So I just wanted to repost it as it was not only interesting, but seems to piss off all the right people.

Make sure to give the History Channel's war podcast an extra amount of downloads!


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Hey, professional race whore. How many fingers am I holding up? Fuck off!

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Nice one. I listened to the podcast - very interesting history of the Scouts and their unconventional warfare methods. They were far ahead of the curve in counter-insurgency to be sure. Anyone who would deny historical fact in the interest of political correctness is a moron, as is anyone who believes that there is nothing useful to learn from those whose views one may oppose. Sun Tzu advocated studying one's enemies in depth, did he not?

    Stay frosty.

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Not a sensitive Sally or a racewhore... I respect your opinion enough to have bought several of your books (they made for very informative reading during the downtime for my last deployment) and to have used asshole consulting once; I can prove this, although I would prefer to do it in private, due to the nature of my job. Also, I agree with your above statement that one can have an appreciation for a thing or idea, without condoning where it originated. I agree that communism is evil, selfish and wrong - I agree that the idea has greatly affected my ability to make and keep my own wealth. However, the spirit of your first post suggested a kind of glee for the guerrilla warriors who killed the evil 'communists'... I was not suggesting evil intentions on your part... just pointing out that country's struggles are deeper and more complex than a simple capitalism v. Communism battle royale. But that wasn't the point of your post. It was about spreading useful information given the climate of our time... get that. Anyway, respect what you do... just my two cents you didn't ask for.

  4. Joe Bar4:50 PM

    Thanks for the link to that site. Lots of cool stuff there.

  5. Oooh, nifty there's a thing on von Lettow-Vorbecks defense of German East Africa in WWI. Classic that, well worth the time to read about. "How to tie down and waste masses of your enemies resources, and humiliate them. For years."

  6. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Nice to see the Selous Scounts get some recognition. Makes me wish I still had my Rhodesian Army t-shirt. I have a good friend in South Africa who did a bit of fighting (Cuito Cuanavale) with the SADF who has alot of great stories from the unpleasant days in the bush. We are so glad South Africa is a beacon of goodness the ANC has made it into as we follow Zimbabwe into the bright future paved by dear old uncle Bob Mugabe. Heh.
