Monday, May 02, 2016

Maybe Blacks and Whites Just Like to Hang Out With Likes?

I love the forced "integration" of the races.

I could have sworn America was based on choice and most races would like to just hang out with each other and have amicable relations with other races. But apparently, that isn't what your overlords have intended and they're pissed off we haven't melting into a dipshittery goo that is known as that "financial economic success" known as "Brazil."

Perhaps the left should actually endorse what it champions - diversity.  Because in the adult real world of economics "diversity" means "specialization" which means better goods at lower costs and improved standards of living for all.


  1. I love the forced "integration" of the races.

    Well except at the colleges these days. Minorities are screaming for separate dorms, special meals, 'safe' rooms so as not to have contrary thought and heck even separate classes to the don't have to face 'triggers'.

  2. leeholsen12:44 PM

    The truth that your gvt, who knows so much better than you; doesn't want to admit if most everyone wants to live nearest to those that look like them.

    I came across a webtool sometime ago(unfortunately i did not save it but you can probably find it on the interent without too much work) that would let you drill down on demographics all the way to a zip code and it was clear that people lived near those they looked like because i drilled down to zip codes i know where there would be no significant monetary difference or run down neighborhood that would keep some from living there; basically your middle class neighborhood in a densely populated area and the divisions between the races were clear.

    if all whites are racists and only want to live with their own; so does everyone else.

  3. Notice that in all of the examples cited of women with kids, "the father could not be reached for comment."

    Big surprise.

  4. sth_txs1:36 PM

    I've said the same thing over the years, but we do we know? We don't have one those fancy psychology/sociology Phd's or in tune with those in need.

  5. This is why I hate journalists. All I wanted was information, instead they try to write a novel. Maybe I can be accused of a short attention span, or maybe I just don't want asshats to waste my time by hiding the actual story in the bowels of their ego masturbation. I didn't read the article, I can infer enough from Cappy's comment on it.

  6. JK Brown9:28 PM

    What I like most is all the force integration with a prohibition of cultural appropriation or mimicry.

  7. Anonymous12:08 AM

    That is why working hard is stupid as hell. Why would you want to fund the government? If you are are an engineer, stop working, leech the society and invest in your free time.

  8. It's not about hanging out with like from a racial perspective, but a shared values POV. For Lorena, her priorities were safety, a nice home and a good education for her son. The real question that should be asked are why such things in short supply on the South Side of Chicago and many other predominately black areas of major metropolitan cities.

  9. For Lorena, her priorities were safety, a nice home and a good education for her son. The real question that should be asked are why such things in short supply on the South Side of Chicago and many other predominately black areas of major metropolitan cities.

    A real journalist would be asking that question, flat-out, repeatedly, and non-stop until they got an answer. Of course the "answer" in this case is already well-known by everyone, but is too toxically un-PC to be allowed to see daylight.

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM

    You know, I've lived in Brazil for 2.5 years, and can say that, for all their problems, getting different people to live together without hating each other is something they have truly accomplished. Versus America, where people only like each other until the economy goes into the shitter, and then all bets are off. Really, you should do your homework before running your mouth about a country of 200 million people.

  11. Oh, I'm sorry Anon 919,

    Did Brazil just recently become a global economic power with standards of living surpassing $40,000 per capita in GDP? Because last I recall it was at best a 2nd world shit hole that elected a god damned communist terrorist hippie to the presidency.

    Unless there was some amazing economic growth in the past 48 hours I didn't hear about?

    But congrats, you guys all get along! Yea!!!!

  12. Anon 919 must be supportive of his president, just like lefty nationalist Canadians, whom are total fools.

  13. SortingHat7:30 AM

    It seems the shady Liberal shills on here can't even show their real names or at the very least make a username up just so they won't be called anonymous when confronted to back their data up?

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the real question is not about different *races*, it's about whites, Asians and Indians living among blacks and ghetto Latinos, correct? I *technically* live in an area where multiculturalism worked; we have Chinese, Japanese, non-Muslim Arabs, Jews and non-Jew whites all living together. I'm not trying to stir the pot, just trying to see if I have the right idea.
