Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sony Butthurt Over Feminist Ghostbusters?

So I was going to recommend you Geek Out with The Bechtloff until I saw YouTube has taken down his podcast/video because it had pictures from Sony's Ghostbusters (the feminist one) and thus violated the user policy.

Though, it does make one wonder was it really because some of the background pictures happen to be from Sony's film, or that the podcast, rightly, ripped the hell out of the upcoming shitshow called "We Don't Need No Man Ghostbusters."

In the meantime if you need something for your listening pleasure and still want to Geek Out with the Bechtloff, you can listen to John Steele's interview with him as they talk geekery and politics.

Also, will be making the final leg of the journey back home and posts will return to normal.


  1. leeholsen8:46 AM

    will not be seeing this movie because I have added it to my list that someone will have to pay me to do it. (this list has seem to grown exponentially in the past 10 years).

  2. Take The Red Pill3:42 PM

    Another feminist takeover of a former popular film; chances are more than even that it will either flop or make a small amount of money and have a short-lived popularity when compared with the original.
    I remember when the original STAR WARS was released in 1977 when I lived in the Midwest; it lasted SIX MONTHS, showing regularly all that time. The recent STAR WARS "Grrrrlll Power" version lasted -- what, a month or less before it was gone?
    How long did the feminist reboot of "Terminator" last?
    If "women can do anything that a man can do and do it better", then why can't they make their own films (not feminist versions of past popular films) that are as popular?

  3. I got it back up.

  4. The 2nd trailer came out and makes it look a little better, but not by much. It now shows the only two men as either gay or complete idiots (Chris Helmsworth).
    Last time I checked, no one in the original was stupid for the sake of comedy.

  5. Bechtloff reuploaded everyone, link here:

  6. Jim Scrummy8:12 AM

    That movie is going to be CRAPTACULAR! I will never see it, ever...! When it fails craptacularly, I will be laughing so hard at the SJWs/Feminists while they complain about me, a white male (endangered species) not supporting this crap. I'll have plenty of popcorn watching the meltdown. Well back to Enjoying my Decline...

  7. It's made YouTube history however: Most 'dislike'd official movie trailer ever.
    Currently at 834,712 thumbs down (vs. 242,003 up). I don't think it's going to fail hard, foreign sales and heavy cross-promotion is going to keep it from bombing.

  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Lots of girlbaby tears to bathe in when this steaming pile bombs. Yes, girlbabies. They don't look like men nor act like mature women, so the term fits.
