Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Another Reason Not to Shop at Target

They're just so smug about how open-minded and progressive they are, aren't they?


  1. You know that South Park episode with the Japanese running around killing whales and dolphins while yelling "Fuck you, whale! And fuck you, dolphin!" Whenever I drive by Target, I yell out in that South Park Japanese voice "Fuck you, Target!"

    It's almost too bad. I used to like shopping at Target. But between their 2013 cybersecurity breach and their new unquestioning support for the progressive narrative, I have no use for them. And in 2013, they had everything they needed to prevent the theft of customer data. They even got the alerts. But they did nothing about it.

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Well, he was looking to eat at the Target Snack Bar. Maybe him leaving without getting his food was a blessing in disguise....

  3. This was staged. It's been mostly women and mothers with children who've opted out of businesses that have become transgender friendly with their bathrooms. Target at last report had already lost $10 bil since rolling out unisex bathrooms in April. There's absolutely no way I would believe a sane woman with a baby would think to breast feed in a place women have already declared as unsafe or that staff would defend her. If anything, if I considered myself reasonably intelligent person, I'd have pinned down Target as clearly being an unsafe place to shop for women with that article.

  4. Are you saying that I should only patronize Wal-Mart if in need of toilet brushes and plungers, or shower curtains, or new towels and washrags?

    I usually go to whatever stores are most convenient and accessible to me at the time.
    Shopping is something I leave politics out of. Especially social politics.

  5. Lol target sucks and right below that article is about Jo Cox. A british leftist politician shot and killed just now lmao. Enjoy the decline!!!

  6. Well to be fair, Target did kick that guy out, but I have to agree Target is becoming increasingly obnoxious as time goes on. I try to avoid them if at all possible.

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I made the mistake of working at a Target about five years ago. Every manager was either gay or a woman. Needless to say, I didn't work there very long.

  8. The one in my town is like that, with mentally ill so-called progressive types as sales associates. They try and get you a rewards card for your key chain, which is ok.

    Err now that I think about it, it was their store charge card.

    One time this gay clerk with green hair was ad libbing his approach to push the card "saving ten dollars is better than saving nothing". His tone of voice sounded scripted as fuck, as if he said this every time.

    There is a Saver's thrift store near the Target store with employees very similar to him. They are like male versions of the current crop of feminists. Y'know piercings and dyed hair, they claim to be 90s kids because they were born in that decade.

    It's funny how progressive politics have integrated into nerd culture and the most autisticlike dorks are falling in line with it.
