Friday, July 08, 2016

Humans of Start Ups

A new sponsor ladies and gentlemen, "Humans of Start Ups."  And it may take a little bit of explaining as to why this would benefit you. 

Basically, Max (who heads up the site) is highlighting different up and coming businessmen and women and entrepreneurs.  He has a significant following (23,000) because this niche of the interwebz is full of people who are either coming up with new business ideas, philosophies, or products or people who just find this stuff interesting.

I can personally attest to the effectiveness of Max's site wherein I spent $100 for a month worth of advertising one of my books and easily earned back my original investment.  If you are like me and have a book, an idea, a product, etc. you'd like to advertise I STRONGLY recommend you contact him (and tell him The Captain sent ya!)

1 comment:

  1. What is Max's startup page called?
    The link needs to be updated
