Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Now I Remember Why I Canceled My Subscription to The Economist

It's dated, but somebody just sent me this.  "The Glass Ceiling Index."

Remember when The Economist was good?

I barely do and it's increasingly fading away in my memory.


  1. Gas Station Sushi8:51 PM

    Did you see this recent Economist article?

  2. Interesting to note it's from 2014. Funny how some comments call out the author only to have smarmy replies with comments like "I didn't think anyone was that sexist" without actually addressing or responding to any of the points made.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I also dropped my subscription to Pandorra radio. They're now supporting Black Lives Matter

  4. Jim Scrummy8:01 AM

    I was an avid reader of The Economist in the late 90's. The place where I worked at had a subscription, so I read it. After I left that position, haven't read it since, and I don't miss it.

  5. I cancelled mine, too, and told them why: half of the magazine is completely wrong.

  6. It was starting to slide in the early 90's. As soon as Reagan and Thatcher were out of the way.....

    - WS

  7. Deleted my Direct Debit as well, though it was annual and I still have a few issues to run. I subscribed to it way back in the 1980's and it always seemed smart and clever - until there was an article on something I knew about, when it as obvious the journalist understood very little. My father used to get irritated at their coverage of all things Nuclear Power since he was a consultant engineer in that business. I think back then it wasn't tied to a particular political ideology, other than being vaguely free-market. So when the frak did it drink SO MUCH Kool-Aid? I'm going to take a look in three years when the UK has a bunch of great trade agreements, the EU has been wracked by internal strife and god-knows-what has been done with Angela's Army. Because it will have done a complete 360 and be singing the praises of The Donald!
